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AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Salary: Career and Salary Benefits

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Salary


The field of voice technology is rapidly growing, and Amazon Alexa is at the forefront. Alexa provides users with a conversational interface to get information, control smart home devices, make purchases, and more. The aws certified alexa skill builder salary for professionals in this field is quite lucrative. Behind the scenes, Alexa skills are built by developers to enable these voice experiences. As demand for voice apps grows, so does the need for qualified Alexa skill builders. Becoming an AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder can help developers stand out and advance their careers in this exciting field.

all-inclusive tutorial, we’ll go over crucial topics related to becoming an AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder, including skill builder roles, required skills, exam details, certification benefits, career opportunities, salaries, and more. Whether you are new to voice app development or an experienced Alexa developer looking to get certified, this guide will provide valuable insights into the certification process and the professional opportunities it enables.

Alexa Skill Builder Roles and Responsibilities

Alexa skill builders take on various roles in the skill development lifecycle, including:

  • Voice designer – Design conversational interactions and voice user experiences
  • Skill architect – Architect the backend infrastructure and integration with AWS services
  • Skill developer – Develop code for the skill logic, integration, testing, and debugging
  • VUI designer – Design the voice user interface, interaction model, and dialogs
  • QA tester – Rigorously test the skill to ensure functionality, robustness, and quality
  • Publisher – Manage publishing the skill and revisions in the Alexa Developer Console

Key responsibilities include:

  • Understanding Alexa features and best practices for skill design
  • Developing engaging voice user experiences through conversation design
  • Building robust skill architecture on AWS services like Lambda, DynamoDB
  • Writing code in Node.js, Python, Java, or C# to handle skill logic and AWS integrations
  • Implementing conversational interaction models, dialog management, and slot-filling
  • Testing skills thoroughly using techniques like unit testing, integration testing, regression testing
  • Troubleshooting errors and issues during development and post-publishing
  • Publishing skills and managing the skill lifecycle in the developer console

Why Get AWS Certified as an Alexa Skill Builder?

Infographic AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Salary

Here are some of the major benefits of getting AWS certified as an Alexa skill builder:

Validate Your Skills

The AWS Alexa Skill Builder certification validates your technical expertise in key skill-building areas like design, architecture, development, testing, and publishing. Passing this exam demonstrates you have the required knowledge and skills to build robust voice experiences on Alexa.

Advance Your Career

The certification provides industry recognition for your Alexa and cloud skills. This can help fast-track your career as a voice app developer and open up new job opportunities. Many employers now look for AWS certifications when hiring for voice developer roles.

Increase Your Earning Potential

Certified Alexa skill builders can potentially command higher salaries and earn more over the course of their careers. One survey found the average salary for certified skill builders in the US is $122,000. The certification can boost your earning potential.

Gain a Competitive Edge

With voice app development becoming mainstream, more developers are building skills for Alexa. Getting certified helps you stand out from other candidates and gain an edge when applying for Alexa developer jobs.

Expand Your Alexa Skills

Preparing for the exam requires you to gain expertise across the various aspects of skill building. This helps expand your overall Alexa development skills beyond just coding.

Exam Details and Format

Let’s look at the exam format and some key details about the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty certification.

Exam Format

The AXS-C01 exam consists of 65 multiple-choice and multiple-response questions that have to be completed within 170 minutes. The exam is available in English and is offered at AWS testing centers globally. It can also be taken as an online proctored exam.

Knowledge Areas Covered

The exam covers the following major knowledge areas involved in building Alexa skills:

  • Voice design principles and best practices
  • Conversation design and voice user experience
  • Skill architecture on AWS services like Lambda, DynamoDB
  • Skill logic development with Node.js, Python, Java
  • Testing, validation, and troubleshooting of skills
  • Publishing skills and managing skill operations

Question Types

The exam includes three types of questions:

  • Multiple choice – Select one correct response
  • Multiple response – Select multiple correct responses
  • Case studies – Longer scenarios to evaluate skills

Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect.

Scoring and Results

A minimum of 750 points is required to pass. The test’s results are revealed instantly upon completion. Those who pass receive a certification badge and a certificate to showcase their certification status.


There are no mandatory prerequisites. However, AWS recommends having at least six months of hands-on experience building Alexa skills and proficiency in a programming language. Having published at least one Alexa skill can help prepare for the exam.

How to Prepare for the Exam

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Salary promotion

Here are some recommendations for preparing for the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder exam:

Study Alexa Documentation Thoroughly

Go through all the Alexa developer documentation, including guides on skill building, testing, certification, and publishing. Understand Alexa features, best practices, and guidelines.

Take Alexa Skill Building Courses

Take online courses focused on Alexa skill development like those offered by AWS Training or other providers like Udemy. Courses can fill in knowledge gaps.

Build Alexa Skills

Nothing beats hands-on experience. Building actual skills using technologies like AWS Lambda, handling skill publishing, and going through certification will prepare you for many aspects covered in the exam.

Use the Official Exam Readiness Guide

AWS provides an official exam readiness guide for the Alexa Skill Builder certification. Go through it to understand the knowledge areas covered in detail.

Take Practice Exams

Taking practice exams helps assess your current knowledge and identifies areas for further study. Time yourself to get used to the actual exam duration.

Read Relevant Blogs, Whitepapers and Guides

Read through relevant blogs, whitepapers, and guides published on the AWS website, Alexa developer blog, and other reputable sources to gain insights on skill building.

Join Relevant Communities

Participate in communities like AWS forums and Alexa developer communities to discuss key concepts and learn from others.

Career Opportunities and Salary Potential

Gaining the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder certification opens up exciting career opportunities and salary potential:

Career Advancement

The certification helps fast-track your career as an Alexa developer. It provides industry recognition of your skills and expertise in building voice experiences on Alexa.

More Job Opportunities

Many companies hiring for Alexa developer roles now look for AWS certified skill builders. The certification helps open doors to new job opportunities.

Higher Salaries

Certified Alexa skill builders enjoy higher salaries compared to non-certified developers. According to one survey, the average salary of certified skill builders in the US is $122,000.

Contracting Opportunities

Freelancers and contractors with AWS Alexa skill builder certification have an advantage when applying for short-term contracting jobs to build Alexa skills.

Entry into Voice Specialist Roles

The well-rounded expertise gained through certification preparation opens doors to specialized voice design and product manager roles.

Start an Alexa Consultancy

Certified Alexa developers can start their own consultancy to help companies design, build, and publish custom skills, leveraging their certification status to market their services.

In summary, becoming an AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder can provide a big boost both to your Alexa development skills and to your career opportunities as a voice app developer. The time invested in getting certified is well worth it for the doors it opens for your future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need programming experience to take the exam?

There are no mandatory prerequisites, but AWS recommends having proficiency in at least one programming language and hands-on skill-building experience. This will help you better understand the development-related aspects covered in the exam.

What score do I need to pass the exam?

To earn your certification, you’ll need a score of 750 on the exam.

What are the costs associated with the certification?

The exam costs $300. There may be additional costs if you need to travel to a testing center. Online proctored exams can be taken from home.

How long is the certification valid for?

After earning your AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder badge, you’ll have bragging rights for three full years.

Is any training required to take the exam?

No mandatory training is required. AWS offers optional free digital courses on Alexa skill building to help prepare. There are also paid training options from AWS and third-party providers. But hands-on experience is the best preparation.

What happens if I don’t pass the exam?

If you don’t pass on your first attempt, you can register and retake the exam. If you don’t pass the test the first time, you’ll have to wait 14 days before trying again.

Do I need to recertify after 3 years?

Yes, you need to recertify after 3 years to maintain your certification status. You can do this by retaking the exam or taking approved professional-level AWS courses.


The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder certification validates your skills in building robust voice-driven experiences on Alexa. It is an invaluable credential that can accelerate your career as an Alexa developer. The certification exam covers key skill-building topics ranging from conversation design to development, testing, and publishing.

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Salary guarantee

While hands-on experience is the best preparation, you can supplement that with courses, practice tests, and other resources. Passing the exam demonstrates your expertise and opens doors to exciting Alexa developer job opportunities and higher salary potential. So, if you are looking to advance as an Alexa skill builder, AWS certification is definitely worth pursuing.

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Alexa Skill Builder Certification: Everything You Need To Learn

Alexa Skill Builder Certification

Introduction to Alexa Skill Builder Certification

The Alexa Skill Builder Certification is an exam offered by Amazon to validate a developer’s ability to build, test, certify, and publish Alexa skills. As voice interfaces like Alexa become increasingly popular, this certification demonstrates proficiency in creating voice-first experiences on Amazon’s platform.

Obtaining the certification involves learning key concepts around voice design, skill architecture, skill development, testing, publishing, and operations. This article provides an overview of the certification and related topics to help developers prepare for the exam. We’ll cover the exam objectives, format, registration process, preparation tips, and benefits of becoming a certified Alexa skill builder.

Alexa Skills Overview

Alexa Skill Builder Certification trust

Alexa skills are voice-driven capabilities that allow customers to interact conversationally with Alexa. There are over 100,000 skills across categories like games, music, education, productivity, health/fitness, kids, home automation, and more.

Some examples of popular Alexa skills include:

  • Smart home skills to control lights, thermostats, appliances
  • Music streaming skills like Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music
  • Weather information skills
  • News/podcast skills like NPR, WSJ, and CNN
  • Ride-booking skills like Uber and Lyft
  • Voice games and trivia skills

Alexa skills enhance Alexa’s built-in capabilities and allow customers to get more value from their Alexa-enabled devices. The Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) provides developers with APIs, tools, documentation, and code samples that enable users to effortlessly incorporate new skills.

Key components of an Alexa skill include:

  • Invocation Name: The name that users say to activate the skill, like “Alexa, open Uber.”
  • Intents: Actions the user wants to perform, like booking a ride or getting a fare estimate.
  • Utterances: Sample spoken phrases that map to intents.
  • Slots: Variables users provide to complete actions, like location.
  • Interaction Model: Defines language understanding – intents, utterances, slots.
  • Endpoint: The web service that handles intent requests and returns responses.

Alexa skills can be built for almost any voice experience using ASK APIs for key capabilities:

  • Custom skills use a custom interaction model you define and lambda functions you host.
  • Smart home skills let users control smart devices with Alexa.
  • Flash briefing skills provide content for Alexa’s flash briefing feature.
  • Alexa Presentation Language (APL) allows you to build visual interfaces for devices with screens.

Understanding these core Alexa skill concepts is key foundation for the Alexa Skill Builder certification.

Exam Objectives and Format

Infographic Alexa Skill Builder Certification

The Alexa Skill Builder certification exam is designed to validate a developer’s expertise in building skills using ASK and AWS services. Key exam objectives include:

  • Voice-first design practices and capabilities
  • Skill architecture patterns, including hosting, security, compliance
  • Developing custom skills, smart home skills, flash briefings
  • Testing, troubleshooting, and debugging skills
  • Certifying, publishing, managing skills in the developer console

The exam has 65 multiple-choice and multiple-answer questions that must be completed within 170 minutes. It is administered at supervised AWS testing centers and through online proctoring.

The exam covers a broad range of skill-building topics across skill types, so thorough preparation across all objectives is important for success. Hands-on experience creating skills using ASK is highly recommended.

Exam Registration and Pricing

You can register for the exam on the AWS certification website. The exam cost is $100 USD, but discounted exam vouchers may be available.

Registration requires an AWS account and signing up for an AWS Certification ID if you don’t already have one. This ID will be used to track exam attempts and certification status after passing.

The Alexa Skill Builder exam can be taken online from anywhere or at in-person testing centers in many countries. Online proctored exams allow you to take the exam remotely while being monitored by a proctor via webcam.

In-person exams are also available at PSI testing centers worldwide. You can select a nearby testing center during registration. Scheduling exams in advance is recommended to secure your preferred date, time, and location.

Preparing for the Exam

Alexa Skill Builder Certification buy now

Proper preparation is key to maximize your likelihood of passing the Alexa Skill Builder certification exam. Here are some recommendations for getting ready:

  • Review the exam guide thoroughly to understand all topic areas covered:
    • Voice design principles
    • Alexa features and capabilities
    • Skill architecture patterns
    • Custom, smart home, and flash briefing skills
    • Skill testing, troubleshooting
    • Certification, publishing, analytics
    • Developer console management
  • Study ASK documentation and API references for building skills
    • Start with ASK Get Started guides to build your first skills
    • Learn about interaction models, endpoints, hosting options
    • Study how to build custom skills, smart home skills, flash briefings
    • Understand account linking, in-skill purchasing, APL
    • Review security, compliance and certification requirements
  • Take AWS skill-building courses like those on AWS Training or LinkedIn Learning to reinforce concepts
  • Build multiple skills of different types using ASK APIs, Lambda, DynamoDB
  • Read AWS whitepapers like “Building Voice Experiences with Alexa”
  • Review sample questions to understand the exam format and question style
  • Take practice exams to evaluate your knowledge and identify gaps
  • Join AWS and Alexa developer communities to learn from others

A combination of studying documentation, building skills, taking courses, and practicing questions is the best way to prepare for the Alexa certification exam.

What to Expect On Exam Day

Here are some tips for exam day:

  • Arrive early at the testing center to get settled in and review notes.
  • Read questions carefully – twice if needed. Make sure you understand what each one is asking.
  • Manage time wisely. Don’t get stuck on one question. Flag tricky questions to come back to.
  • Use the process of elimination on multiple-choice questions to rule out incorrect answers.
  • Don’t leave any questions blank – make an educated guess if needed. There are no penalties for guessing.
  • Take breaks if offered to rest your brain. Get up, stretch, and grab some water.
  • Trust your preparation. You’ve put in the work, now it’s time to demonstrate your knowledge.

Relax, take your time, and do your best. With diligent preparation, you’ll be ready to pass the exam.

Alexa Skill Builder Certification Benefits

Earning the Alexa Skill Builder certification validates your expertise in creating voice-first experiences on Alexa. Key benefits include:

  • Professional development – Gain skills and knowledge highly valued in the job market.
  • Career advancement – Distinguish yourself and get noticed by employers.
  • Higher earning potential – Increase opportunities and negotiate better salaries.
  • Industry recognition – Become an AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder.
  • Alexa Champion program eligibility – Gain access to AWS resources and support.
  • Expanded opportunities – Work on Alexa projects and speak at Alexa conferences.
  • Customer trust – Give your skills credibility by highlighting your certification.
  • Personal achievement – Achieve a respected certification that advances your career.

For developers who want to demonstrate Alexa skill-building proficiency, the certification can provide many professional and personal benefits.

Maintaining Certification

Alexa Skill Builder Certification promo

The Alexa Skill Builder certification is valid for two years from the date achieved. To renew, you must re-take and pass the exam again. To keep your skills current, be sure to release new exam versions.

You can keep skills sharp by:

  • Continuing to build new Alexa skills using the latest ASK features
  • Attending Alexa developer events and training
  • Participating in the Alexa developer community
  • Reading Alexa blogs, documentation, and whitepapers
  • Watching Alexa re:Invent videos

Re-certifying shows ongoing expertise and also allows you to stay up-to-date on the latest Alexa capabilities as the platform rapidly evolves.


Creating an engaging and optimized Alexa skill is a complex process requiring expertise across multiple domains. The Alexa Skill Builder certification validates this expertise, demonstrating proficiency in core skill-building concepts.

As we have seen, successfully developing skills involves comprehension of key Alexa capabilities like intents, slots, endpoints, and interaction models. Architecting skills also require knowledge of cloud services, including AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, and S3, for hosting voice experiences at scale. 

Testing and certifying skills for publishing in the Alexa Skills Store demands adherence to Amazon’s strict requirements and guidelines. Analytics and monetization allow skill builders to track performance and generate revenue once live.

Throughout the skill lifecycle, following best practices around conversation design, voice user experience, security, and compliance is critical. Expert skills combine these elements into seamless, delightful voice apps.

Gaining this breadth of Alexa expertise takes dedication through building multiple skills, studying ASK APIs, taking courses, and practicing questions. But the effort pays dividends in career advancement, industry recognition, and new opportunities.

Whether developing skills professionally or as a hobby, the Alexa Skill Builder certification validates specialized skill building knowledge. For developers seeking to demonstrate Alexa proficiency, it has become a respected credential.

With the rapid growth of voice interfaces, certified skill builders have a bright future. Their expertise in crafting engaging voice-first experiences on Alexa will only increase in value.

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AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder: Best Alexa Resources That Work

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder

Introduction to Becoming an AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder

Becoming an AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder is an exciting way to demonstrate your expertise in creating engaging voice experiences on Alexa. With over 100 million Alexa-enabled devices out in the world, there is huge demand for developers who can design and build innovative Alexa skills. This guide is designed to help you pass the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder exam and creating successful skills.

Why Get AWS Certified as an Alexa Skill Builder?

Here are some of the key benefits of becoming an AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder:

  • Prove your expertise in Alexa skill development to employers and clients. The certification validates your technical knowledge and proficiency in using Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) to create skills.
  • Increase your career opportunities. Certified Alexa skill builders are in high demand as organizations adopt voice technology. The certification can boost your resume and help you land your dream job.
  • Learn best practices for skill building. Preparing for the exam will enhance your understanding of Alexa features, tools, design principles and skill optimization techniques.
  • Get access to AWS training materials and community. Certified developers receive free digital training content and can network with peers for knowledge sharing.
  • Showcase your skills. After passing the exam, you can display the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder badge on your social media profiles, website, resume and more.

Overview of the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Exam

To earn the certification, you must pass the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder exam. Here’s an overview of what’s covered:

  • Designing Voice User Interfaces (VUIs) – Creating optimal intent schema, sample utterances, slots, dialog management, session management and other VUI components.
  • Building Alexa Skills – Using ASK SDKs, AWS Lambda, skill code, skill invocation names, skill testing, debugging, publishing and more.
  • Optimizing Alexa SkillsEnhancing skills with SSML, skill analytics, metrics, localization, account linking and security best practices.
  • Monetizing Alexa Skills – Implementing in-skill purchasing, paid skills, Alexa developer rewards and other monetization features.

The exam has 65 multiple choice and multiple answer questions. You have 130 minutes to complete it and must score at least 700 out of 1000 points to pass.

How to Prepare for the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Exam

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder promotion

Passing the exam requires hands-on experience building Alexa skills as well as studying AWS documentation and training materials. Here are some tips on how to prepare:

Get Practical Experience Creating Alexa Skills

  • Build skills using various ASK programming languages like Node.js, Python, Java and C# to understand core skill concepts.
  • Experiment with different skill types like smart home, flash briefing, video, music, and custom skills.
  • Use ASK CLI and developer console to manage the skill lifecycle – creating, testing, debugging, publishing, analyzing and enhancing skills.
  • Implement features like account linking, reminders, proactive events, in-skill purchasing and Alexa Skill Messaging.
  • Localize skills for international markets to learn multi-language development.

Study ASK Documentation In-Depth

  • Read through all ASK guides, API references and sample code on the Alexa Skills Kit documentation.
  • Understand how to design voice user interfaces, write fulfillment code, test and certify skills.
  • Study the process for publishing skills, best practices for skill optimization, and monetization options.
  • Review the submission checklists and certification requirements in detail.

Take Advantage of Alexa Developer Training Resources

Take Practice Tests

With diligent preparation using the strategies above, you can master the knowledge required for the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder exam and have a rewarding career as an Alexa developer. Let’s dive deeper into the exam topics and skills you need.

Designing Optimal Voice User Interfaces for Alexa Skills

A key part of the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder exam focuses on voice user interface (VUI) design. Here are the main VUI components you need to understand:

Intent Schema

The intent schema defines the actions users can take in your skill. You specify:

  • Intents – What the user wants to do, such as get a weather forecast or play a song.
  • Slots – Variables for data the user provides like city name for weather or song title for music.
  • Utterances – Spoken phrases that map to intents like “what is the weather in {city}” or “play {song} by {artist}”.

A robust intent schema handles diverse user requests and captures all required data.

Sample Utterances

These map spoken phrases to intents so Alexa can understand user requests. Create sufficient utterances to handle likely phrases and variations. Using tools like Alexa Skill Blueprints can help generate sample utterances.


Slots represent variables in intents like city name, date, song title etc. Choose appropriate slot types like AMAZON.City or AMAZON.Date to handle validation and formatting. Define any custom slots your skill needs.

Dialog Management

Handle multi-turn conversations by prompting users for required info, confirming details, providing context and handling interruptions gracefully.

Session Management

Track and maintain session state, manage session timeouts, and persist context like shopping cart data between sessions if needed.

Skill Invocation

Enable natural invocation by using a clear skill name, providing example phrases, and adding aliases.

By mastering these core VUI components, you can create intuitive voice experiences.

Building Robust Alexa Skills with ASK SDKs

The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder exam assesses your ability to develop skills using Alexa Skills Kit SDKs and tools. Here are the key skill building areas to focus on:

AWS Lambda Functions

Use AWS Lambda to host your skill’s fulfillment logic. Code functions in Node.js, Python, Java, C# or Go that handle intent requests and send back responses.

Skill Code Optimization

Follow best practices like enabling HTTP keep-alives, reusing HTTP clients, and optimizing response building for fast and efficient skill code.


Use ASK SDKs for Node.js, Java, Python and .NET to simplify skill development and provide helper methods for Alexa requests, responses, attributes and sessions.

Skill Testing Framework

Leverage the ASK testing framework to unit test your skill code, mock requests/responses, and validate functionality before deployment.

Skill Invocation Name

Choose a clear invocation name that represents your skill’s purpose and brand. Users say this name to activate your skill.

Skill Debugging

Debug issues by enabling debug logs, using validation tools, and testing skill stages from development to live production.

Skill Publishing

Use ASK CLI, developer console, and APIs to manage skill publishing – from certification to live deployment and skill updates.

By mastering ASK SDKs and tools, you can build robust skills on Alexa’s cloud platform.

Optimizing Alexa Skills for Best User Experience

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Infographic

The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder exam evaluates your expertise in optimizing Alexa skills. Focus on learning:

Skill Enhancement

Improve existing skills by expanding features, adding new languages, and integrating Alexa capabilities like reminders, proactive events and location services.

Skill Localization

Support new markets by localizing skills into multiple languages using translation tools like Alexa Skills Kit Localization.

Skill Analytics

Analyze skill metrics like active users, sessions, requests, retention and usage in the developer console to identify areas for improvement.

Skill Monitoring

Track skill health, audit logs, exceptions and errors in CloudWatch to detect and debug issues.


Enhance speech synthesis using SSML tags for prosody, pronunciation, volume, pacing and more.

Skill Permissions

Request customer permissions judiciously. Only ask for info access like address or reminders if essential for skill functionality.

Account Linking

Allow users to securely link their Alexa identity to your skill using account linking. Apply security best practices.

Skill Guidelines Compliance

Adhere to all Alexa skill submission policies, content guidelines, and UX principles to pass certification.

By mastering these optimization techniques, you can enhance engagement and delight Alexa users.

Monetizing Your Alexa Skills and Increasing Revenue

The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder exam checks your knowledge of monetizing Alexa skills. Key concepts include:

In-Skill Purchasing

Users can buy upgrades and premium content within skills.

Paid Skills

Offer skills at a fixed price or monthly subscription to earn revenue from all enabled users.

Alexa Developer Rewards

Earn rewards when eligible skills drive paid and free trials of Amazon Music Unlimited subscriptions.

Alexa Skill Deals

Offer limited-time discounts and promotions to acquire new paid skill customers.

Skill Monetization Policies

Comply with Alexa monetization policies, revenue sharing terms, payment flows and certification requirements.

Alexa Developer Console

Analyze monetization metrics like in-skill product sales, refunds, payouts, royalties and customer acquisition.

Taxes and Payments

Manage tax forms, payment methods, fund disbursement and transaction accounting to get paid.

With the strategies above, you can build profitable Alexa skills that create value for customers.


Earning the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder certification demonstrates you have the technical expertise to design, build, test, certify and manage Alexa skills. While the exam covers a broad range of skill building topics, the bottom line is being able to prove hands-on proficiency in the end-to-end skill development process. 

To pass the exam, you need at least 6 months of practical experience using ASK to build skills that integrate AWS services like Lambda, DynamoDB and CloudWatch. Simply studying concepts isn’t enough – you must have published skills that handle features like account linking, in-skill purchasing, reminders and SSML.

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder trust

The bottom line is the certification validates your ability to create real-world skills, not just theoretical knowledge. You must master ASK SDKs, CLI, testing frameworks, publishing workflows and optimization techniques through hands-on skill building. If you have the required Alexa development experience, the exam will demonstrate your expertise to employers.

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AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty: Best Study Resources

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty

Introduction to AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty

The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty certification validates expertise in building, testing, publishing, and managing Amazon Alexa skills. As voice interfaces like Alexa become increasingly popular, there is growing demand for developers skilled in voice app development.

Earning this certification demonstrates your ability to create seamless voice user experiences using proven best practices in voice interface design. It shows you have the technical knowledge to build custom skills using AWS services like Lambda, DynamoDB, and the Alexa Skills Kit.

This article provides detailed and comprehensive overview of the certification, including exam objectives, recommended experience, and tips for preparation and studying. Read on to learn everything you need to launch your Alexa skill builder career!

Who Should Earn the Certification?

The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty exam is designed for software developers and solutions architects who want to demonstrate expertise in building Alexa skills.

Ideal candidates have at least six months of hands-on experience using the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) to develop skills that integrate AWS services like Lambda and DynamoDB. You should also have published at least one Alexa skill to gain practical knowledge of the end-to-end skill building process.

Other professionals who may benefit from this certification include:

  • Voice designers focused on crafting engaging voice user experiences
  • Conversational AI developers building natural language interfaces
  • Voice app developers looking to validate Alexa skill building skills
  • Solutions architects designing voice-first solutions on AWS

Overall, this certification is best suited for technical professionals with working experience developing skills using ASK and AWS cloud services.

Exam Objectives and Content Outline

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty InfographicThe AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty exam (AXS-C01) tests your ability across six key domains:

1 Domain: Voice-First Design Practices and Capabilities (14%)

  • Describe how users interact with skills
  • Map features and capabilities to use cases

2 Domain: Skill Design (24%)

  • Design and develop an interaction model
  • Design a multi-turn conversation
  • Use built-in intents and slots
  • Handle unexpected conversational requests/responses
  • Design multi-modal skills using service interfaces like audio, video, and gadgets

3 Domain: Skill Architecture (14%)

  • Identify AWS services for extending skill functionality (S3, DynamoDB, CloudWatch)
  • Use AWS Lambda to build skills
  • Follow AWS and Alexa security best practices

4 Domain: Skill Development (20%)

  • Implement in-skill purchasing and Amazon Pay
  • Use SSML for expression and MP3 audio
  • Implement state management
  • Implement Alexa service interfaces like audio player, video player, display
  • Parse Alexa JSON requests and provide responses

5 Domain: Test, Validate, and Troubleshoot (18%)

  • Use CloudWatch and other tools to test and debug skills
  • Validate skill functionality end-to-end
  • Troubleshoot errors in interaction model and backend logic

6 Domain: Publishing, Operations, and Lifecycle Management (10%)

  • Manage skill publishing, certification, distribution
  • Monitor skill analytics and performance
  • Manage skill operations and lifecycle

Refer to the official exam guide for the complete outline including knowledge required in each domain.

Recommended Experience

AWS recommends having at least six months of hands-on experience building Alexa skills with ASK before taking the exam. You should also have:

  • Proficiency in a programming language like Node.js, Java, Python, or C# to implement skill logic
  • Experience publishing a live Alexa skill to gain end-to-end understanding
  • Knowledge of core AWS services used in skills like Lambda, DynamoDB, and CloudWatch

Hands-on practice is essential to reinforce key concepts and prepare for the exam’s realistic skill building scenarios. If you’re new to Alexa development, build some skills using ASK and AWS services to gain the recommended experience.

Preparing for the Exam

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty promotion

Here are some tips for preparing for the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty exam:

  • Read the exam guide – Review the exam guide to understand the format, content areas, and knowledge required. Focus your study on any domains you have less experience with.
  • Take an exam readiness course – AWS offers an exam readiness course that provides an overview of each exam domain. Taking this course can help boost your knowledge.
  • Study Alexa and AWS documentation – Study ASK guides on skill building, voice design, testing, and publishing. Also review AWS documentation on Lambda, DynamoDB, CloudWatch, and other services.
  • Build practice skills – Hands-on experience is critical. Build sample skills that use different ASK features and AWS services to reinforce your learning.
  • Use practice exams – Take practice exams from AWS and third parties like Tutorials Dojo to evaluate your knowledge and get comfortable with the question format. Review any missed questions.
  • Learn from AWS sample skills – The Alexa Skills Kit SDK provides sample skills that demonstrate best practices. Review these to learn from real-world examples.
  • Study advanced features – Make sure to learn more advanced skill building topics like skill connections, reminders, proactive events, and Alexa Presentation Language (APL).
  • Focus on your weak areas – Use the exam guide to identify domains or services you need more hands-on practice with. Spend extra time studying those weak areas.

Allow several weeks to thoroughly prepare and take practice exams to gauge your readiness. With diligent study of ASK and AWS services, you’ll gain the knowledge to pass the exam.

Exam Format

The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty exam contains 65 multiple choice and multiple response questions. You will be given 130 minutes to answer the exam questions.

The exam is available via online proctoring or at physical test centers run by PSI and Pearson VUE. Online proctoring allows you to take the exam remotely while being monitored via your webcam and microphone.

The exam covers a broad range of skill building topics across the six domains in the exam guide. Some of the key areas to study include:

  • Voice design principles and best practices
  • Interaction modeling with intents, slots, dialogs
  • Using SSML tags to customize Alexa’s speech
  • Implementing skill logic with AWS Lambda
  • Testing and validating skills end-to-end
  • Monitoring skills using CloudWatch metrics
  • Publishing skills and skill certification

Review the exam guide to ensure you’re familiar with all knowledge areas that may be covered in the exam, including newer features like proactive events and Alexa Presentation Language (APL).

Maintaining Your Certification

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty resources

Your AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder certification is valid for three years. To renew your certification, you must either retake and pass the exam again or achieve a higher-level AWS certification like Solutions Architect Professional.

Staying current with new Alexa features and best practices is key to maintaining your skills as a certified Alexa skill builder. Make sure to:

  • Review Alexa and AWS release notes for new features
  • Build skills using the latest ASK capabilities
  • Attend re:Invent and other AWS training events
  • Learn about new AWS services that can extend Alexa skills

Pursuing a higher-level AWS certification is a great way to validate your continued expertise as an Alexa developer. Consider training for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate or Professional certifications.

Career Opportunities and Salary Potential

Earning the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty certification validates your expertise as an Alexa developer and can boost your career opportunities and earning potential.

According to PayScale, an AWS certified professional earns an average of $125,591 annually. Alexa skill builders specifically can expect to earn an average salary of $122,000.

Here are some of the top career paths and roles open to certified Alexa skill builders:

  • Voice App Developer – Build custom skills using ASK and AWS services
  • Conversational AI Developer – Develop natural language interfaces for voice assistants
  • Voice Designer – Design voice user experiences and skill interactions
  • Alexa Technical Evangelist – Promote Alexa capabilities to developers and businesses
  • Alexa Solutions Architect – Design voice-first solutions on the AWS cloud
  • Alexa DevOps Engineer – Maintain and deploy Alexa skills at scale

Overall, the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty certification validates your expertise to employers and demonstrates your cloud-based voice app development skills. Investing in this certification can help fast-track your career in this exciting field.

Recertification and Higher Certifications

To maintain your certification, you must recertify every three years by retaking and passing the exam again. Alternatively, you can pursue a higher-level AWS certification like:

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate – Prove expertise in designing AWS architectures
  • AWS Certified Developer Associate – Demonstrate proficiency building apps on AWS
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional – Validate advanced skills to design complex cloud solutions

Achieving one of these associate or professional certifications will automatically renew your Alexa Skill Builder certification without needing to retake the specialty exam.

Pursuing a higher certification shows your expanded AWS cloud expertise and can further boost your career opportunities. The Solutions Architect and Developer Associate certs are popular next steps for Alexa skill builders looking to broaden their AWS skills.


The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty certification is the premier way to validate your Alexa development skills and advance your voice app building career.

This guide provided an overview of the certification including the exam objectives, recommended experience, preparation tips, and career benefits. To earn the certification:

  • Gain at least 6 months of hands-on Alexa skill building experience
  • Study ASK documentation, AWS services, and voice design best practices
  • Take exam readiness training and practice tests
  • Pass the 65 question AXS-C01 specialty exam

With diligent preparation and real-world skill building practice, you can demonstrate your expertise by attaining this valuable certification.

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AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty Prerequisites

AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Prerequisites

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification is intended for IT professionals who possess advanced knowledge of designing, developing, operating, and troubleshooting AWS and hybrid IT network architectures at scale. Obtaining this certification demonstrates expertise in advanced networking architectures and connectivity options like IP VPN, MPLS, and VPLS.

To earn the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification, candidates should have at least 5 years of hands-on experience Designing and constructing network solutions and be familiar with a variety of AWS services and tools. Though there are no mandatory prerequisites, having the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner or AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate certifications can help candidates prepare for the advanced topics covered in the exam.

This article provides a thorough and complete overview to the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification exam. We will cover the following topics:

  • AWS Networking Concepts
  • Hybrid IT Networking
  • Automation
  • Application Integration
  • Security and Compliance
  • Optimization and Troubleshooting

Understanding these core areas will help you determine if you have the necessary background to pass the certification exam and highlight any topics you may need to study further.

AWS Networking Concepts

AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Prerequisites Infographic

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking exam covers a broad range of networking concepts and how they are implemented in AWS. Candidates should have a strong grasp of networking fundamentals before attempting the exam.

VPCs, Subnets, and Route Tables

You should understand how to create and configure VPCs, public and private subnets, custom route tables, network ACLs, and security groups. Know when and why to use each component to meet an application’s networking requirements.

Connectivity Options

Be familiar with the various connectivity options for hybrid environments and their use cases:

  • VPN
  • AWS Direct Connect
  • AWS Transit Gateway
  • VPC Peering

Know how to configure and troubleshoot each solution for private connectivity between on-premises data centers and AWS.

Network Performance

Understand how to optimize network performance for workloads like high performance computing using placement groups, jumbo frames, Elastic Network Adapters, and Elastic Fabric Adapters.

Global Applications

Know how services like Amazon Route 53 and AWS Global Accelerator can provide low latency and high availability for global applications across AWS regions.

IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing

Have a strong grasp of CIDR, IP addressing, subnetting, and other IPv4 and IPv6 concepts. Understand the considerations for migrating to IPv6 in AWS.

Hybrid IT Networking

Many enterprise organizations operate hybrid environments spanning their on-premises data centers and AWS. Candidates should understand best practices for integrating AWS with existing network infrastructure.


Know how SD-WAN can be used to simplify connectivity and overcome challenges with traditional WAN architecture for hybrid environments.

Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)

Understand the benefits of and options for connecting MPLS networks to AWS infrastructure through Direct Connect or VPN.


Be able to configure VLANs for security and performance segmentation in AWS using Direct Connect, VPN, and VPCs.

Active Directory

Know how to extend Active Directory domains and trusts into AWS for identity integration using AD connectors and VPC peering.

Migrating Applications

Understand common networking migration strategies when moving on-premises applications to AWS.


The exam covers implementing automation for deploying and managing AWS and hybrid networks.

Infrastructure as Code

Know how to automate network architectures in AWS using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools like AWS CloudFormation, AWS CDK, and Terraform.

CI/CD Pipelines

Understand how to integrate networking tasks like configuring VPCs, subnets, and security groups into CI/CD pipelines.


Be able to write scripts to automate networking configuration, validation testing, and monitoring using languages like Python, Bash, and PowerShell.

Application Integration

AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Prerequisites learn more

Candidates should understand how to integrate AWS networking services with applications and workloads.

Load Balancing

Know the different load balancing options in AWS and when to use application load balancers, network load balancers, Gateway load balancers, etc.


Understand how to configure Route 53 for application traffic management, geolocation routing, failover, and hybrid DNS solutions.


Know how to integrate identity providers like ADFS with SAML for SSO and securing access to applications in AWS.

VPC Endpoints

Be familiar with interface and gateway VPC endpoints for private connectivity between VPCs and AWS services.

Security and Compliance

A key part of the exam covers implementing secure and compliant network architectures.

DDoS Protection

Know how to architect networks to protect against DDoS attacks using AWS Shield, WAF, and other tools.


Understand the various options for network encryption in AWS using VPNs, Direct Connect, and EBS/S3 encryption.

Security Groups

Be able to use security groups, NACLs, and other tools to control traffic between subnets and secure AWS networks.

Logging and Monitoring

Know how to enable flow logs, VPC traffic mirroring, and other logging to monitor networks for threats and compliance.

Optimization and Troubleshooting

Candidates should be able to optimize AWS network architectures for cost, performance, and availability.

High Availability

Understand how to design resilient, fault-tolerant networks across multiple AZs and AWS regions.

Performance Testing

Know how to load test and benchmark network configurations to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance.

Cost Optimization

Be able to optimize network costs using tools like AWS Cost Explorer and by leveraging Savings Plans, Reserved Instances, and Spot Instances.


Have experience using tools like VPC Reachability Analyzer and AWS Network Firewall Manager to troubleshoot connectivity and network issues.


The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification validates deep technical skills for designing, implementing, and managing AWS global networks. While there are no formal prerequisites, candidates should have significant hands-on experience and be comfortable with a wide range of networking concepts, automation tools, security practices, and troubleshooting techniques.

Individuals who obtain this certification demonstrate the expertise to architect advanced cloud network solutions at scale and meet the security, compliance, and performance needs of complex enterprise applications. The topics covered in this article provide a strong foundation to prepare for the Amazon Specialty certification exam.

AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Prerequisites promo

In addition, expertise in network automation using Infrastructure as Code tools like CloudFormation and AWS CDK is tested. Monitoring, optimization, and troubleshooting skills using VPC Flow Logs, CloudWatch metrics, and tools like Route Analyzer are validated as well.

Overall, the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification confirms an individual’s capacity to architect, implement, and operate reliable, high-performance networks on AWS. It is ideal for IT professionals looking to demonstrate and validate their technical expertise in advanced cloud networking.

To earn the certification, one must have practical experience in a wide range of networking topics, as the exam covers a wide variety of such topics. However, it enables candidates to showcase their skills and advance their cloud careers. Individuals with this certification have proven they can meet the demanding network requirements of complex enterprise applications on AWS.

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AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty Exam Cost

AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Exam Cost

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty exam certification is designed for IT professionals who perform complex networking tasks on AWS. This certification confirms proficiency in designing and implementing hybrid IT network architectures, automating network operations, and managing the breadth of AWS networking services.

The Advanced Networking – Specialty exam (ANS-C01) costs $300 USD. Here is a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about the exam cost, format, preparation, and tips to pass it on your first try.

Exam Overview

  • Level: Specialty
  • Length: 170 minutes
  • Cost: $300 USD
  • The format: of the test contains 65 questions, which include both multiple choice and multiple response questions.
  • Delivery: Pearson VUE testing center or online proctored

The ANS-C01 exam tests your skills in designing, developing, and deploying cloud-based solutions using AWS services. It is recommended that you have at least 5 years of hands-on experience with AWS before attempting this exam.

While AWS does not require any specific training courses, recommended experience includes:

  • Using AWS networking services like Amazon VPC, Amazon Route 53, AWS Direct Connect, and Elastic Load Balancing
  • Implementing core AWS services according to architectural best practices
  • One can utilize AWS services to create a scalable, dependable, and readily available infrastructure.
  • Migrating complex, multi-tier applications onto AWS
  • Creating and implementing scalable operations across an entire enterprise using AWS.
  • Automating AWS tasks using services like AWS CloudFormation, AWS OpsWorks, and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Exam Domains

AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Exam Cost Infographic

The ANS-C01 exam covers the following domains:

1 Domain: Design and Implement Hybrid IT Network Architectures 25%

  • Determine network requirements for a hybrid IT architecture
  • Determine network connectivity and bandwidth requirements for a hybrid IT architecture
  • Select the appropriate routing protocol for a hybrid IT architecture
  • Select the appropriate AWS connectivity solution for a hybrid IT architecture

2 Domain: Design and Implement AWS Networks 30%

  • Determine requirements for a well-architected network
  • Determine connectivity requirements for VPC design
  • Determine egress and ingress network traffic management requirements
  • Select the appropriate AWS managed VPN solution

3 Domain: Automate AWS Tasks 30%

  • Evaluate automation alternatives within AWS for network deployments
  • Evaluate tool-based alternatives within AWS for network operations automation
  • Evaluate API-based alternatives within AWS for network operations automation
  • Determine the appropriate tool-based solution for network operations automation

4 Domain: Manage, Optimize, and Troubleshoot the Network 15%

  • Given a scenario: troubleshoot and resolve a network issue
  • Optimize network performance and availability based on metrics
  • Troubleshoot connectivity issues between AWS and external networks

Exam Preparation

AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Exam Cost promotion

Here are some tips and resources to help you prepare for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty exam:

  • Read the Exam Guide: The official AWS ANS-C01 exam guide provides details on exam content, sample questions, and preparation. Review it thoroughly.
  • Take Exam Readiness Training: AWS offers a free 9-hour Exam Readiness: AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty digital course that covers core exam concepts.
  • Use Practice Exams: Practice with sample questions and tests from the official AWS exam prep and third-party providers like Tutorials Dojo.
  • Review Advanced Networking Whitepapers: Read AWS whitepapers on hybrid connectivity, VPC connectivity, and DDoS resiliency to strengthen concepts.
  • Attend Online Training Courses: Take advanced networking courses on platforms like AWS Skill Builder, A Cloud Guru, and Linux Academy for in-depth learning.
  • Get Hands-On Experience: Create a test AWS environment and work through lab exercises to gain practical experience with hybrid networking, VPCs, Direct Connect etc.

Exam Cost Saving Tips

The ANS-C01 exam costs $300 USD, but there are a few ways you can save money on the exam fee:

  • Take Another AWS Exam First: Passing any other AWS exam makes you eligible for a 50% discount voucher for your next exam. You can take a lower cost exam like Cloud Practitioner and use the voucher on ANS-C01.
  • Look for Discount Codes: AWS occasionally provides discount codes and vouchers through blogs, webinars etc. You can search online or subscribe to AWS newsletters to find them.
  • Use AWS Credits: If you are part of the AWS Partner Network or have AWS credits from an event, you can redeem these for exam vouchers.
  • Ask Your Employer: Many companies reimburse or cover the cost of AWS certification exams for employees. Check if this benefit is available to reduce your out-of-pocket spend.

What to Expect During the Exam

The ANS-C01 exam consists of different types of multiple choice and multiple response questions. Here are some tips on what to expect when taking the exam:

  • Review All Information Provided: Some questions will provide supplementary information like architectural diagrams, code snippets, logs etc. Read them thoroughly before answering.
  • Watch for Key Words: Questions often contain keywords that indicate which AWS service or feature is being discussed. Notice these to select the right solution.
  • Skip and Flag Hard Questions: Don’t get stuck on questions you find difficult. Flag them for review and come back later.
  • Use Process of Elimination: For multiple choice questions, eliminate options you know are incorrect first. This will help you select the right response.
  • Manage Time Carefully: You have 170 minutes for 65 questions. Allocate time wisely and resist the urge to overthink questions.

Final Tips for Passing the Exam

AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Exam Cost trust us

With thorough preparation using the right resources, you can pass the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty exam successfully:

  • Gain Relevant Experience: Hands-on experience with AWS networks is invaluable. Practice skills that are tested in the exam.
  • Use Official AWS Resources: Rely on AWS whitepapers, documentation, and the exam guide as your primary knowledge sources.
  • Take Extensive Notes: Review notes frequently. Writing down key concepts helps reinforce them.
  • Attempt Practice Tests: Use official sample questions and practice exams to test your knowledge. Identify weak areas.
  • Read Questions Thoroughly: Understand the problem statement clearly before attempting questions. Avoid assumptions.
  • Manage Exam Anxiety: Stay confident on exam day by preparing thoroughly. Read questions calmly and carefully.

Earning the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification validates your skills in designing and implementing complex AWS network architectures. Use this guide to understand the exam costs, format, preparation resources, and strategies to pass on your first try.


The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty latest exam certification is intended for experienced IT professionals who work with AWS networking services. While the exam cost is $300 USD, you can use cost-saving approaches like AWS exam vouchers.

Thorough preparation using official AWS training, whitepapers, and practice tests is key to pass the exam on your first attempt. Focus on gaining hands-on experience in implementing hybrid networks, automating AWS tasks, optimizing network performance, and troubleshooting connectivity issues.

With dedication and commitment to your preparation utilizing the resources and advice presented in this guide, you can successfully clear the ANS-C01 exam and become an AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty professional.

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AWS PAS C01: Crushing the AWS Certified SAP Specialty Exam

aws pas c01

Use AWS PAS C01 Application Migration Service (MGN) to migrate the SAP ECC application servers from AIX to Amazon EC2 instances running AIX. This allows lifting and shifting the servers to AWS without OS changes.

Use AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) to migrate the Oracle database from on-premises to Amazon RDS for Oracle. This provides an Oracle database in AWS without changes.

The key reasons this solution meets the requirements are:

– AWS MGN can directly migrate the SAP ECC application servers from AIX on-premises to AIX on EC2 with minimal effort. This avoids OS changes.

– DMS can migrate the on-premises Oracle database to Amazon RDS Oracle with minimal downtime. This provides a managed Oracle database in AWS.

– Using MGN for the application servers and DMS for the database provides a complete migration of the SAP ECC environment to AWS without major architecture changes.

So in summary, using AWS native migration services like MGN and DMS allows migrating the SAP ECC stack from on-premises to AWS while meeting the goal of minimal changes to the architecture and platforms. This lifts and shifts the current environment to AWS in the fastest way.


Earning the AWS Certified SAP on AWS Specialty certification validates your skills in architecting and operating SAP workloads on AWS. As organizations accelerate cloud adoption, IT professionals with expertise in both SAP and AWS are in high demand. The AWS PAS C01 exam tests your knowledge across key domains like planning, migrating, optimizing, and managing SAP systems on AWS.

While challenging, proper preparation using recommended resources can set you up for success. This guide offers an overview of the PAS-C01 exam, including its format, content, and registration process. It also provides actionable tips to help you prepare and pass the exam on your first attempt.

Whether you’re an experienced IT pro or just starting your cloud journey, this article equips you with the information needed to earn this valuable AWS certification. You’ll find links to official exam guides, training courses, practice tests, and more. Follow our step-by-step roadmap to get ready for the PAS-C01 exam. With focus and commitment, you can demonstrate your skills by obtaining the AWS Certified SAP on AWS Specialty certification this year. The time to prepare is now.

Overview of the AWS PAS C01 Exam

Infographic AWS PAS C01

The AWS PAS C01 has 65 questions, comprising of both multiple choice and multiple response types, and must be completed within 170 minutes. The product is currently available in four different languages: English, Japanese, Korean, and Simplified Chinese. The cost to take the exam is $300 USD.

To qualify for the AWS Certified SAP on AWS Specialty certification, candidates should have at least 5 years of SAP experience and 1 year of AWS experience. Hands-on experience deploying SAP systems on AWS is highly recommended.

The exam covers four key domains:

– Design of SAP Workloads on AWS (30% of exam)

– Implementation of SAP Workloads on AWS (24% of exam)

– Migration of SAP Workloads to AWS (26% of exam)

– Operation and Maintenance of SAP Workloads on AWS (20% of exam)

Questions test your ability to design, migrate, implement, optimize, operate, and troubleshoot SAP systems on AWS according to best practices and SAP certification requirements.

You will also need to demonstrate knowledge of AWS services relevant to SAP workloads like EC2, RDS, S3, VPC, IAM, CloudWatch, and more.

Design of SAP Workloads on AWS (30% of exam)

The Design of SAP Workloads on AWS domain covers 30% of the exam. Questions test your knowledge of architecting and sizing SAP systems on AWS per best practices. This includes choosing appropriate EC2 instance types, EBS volumes, VPC configuration, and other AWS services to meet performance, scalability, availability, and security requirements.

You must demonstrate expertise in design principles aligned with the AWS Well-Architected Framework and SAP certification standards. Focus your preparation on SAP workload sizing, performance optimization, high availability, disaster recovery, and following SAP on AWS prerequisites.

Implementation of SAP Workloads on AWS (24% of exam)

The Implementation of SAP Workloads on AWS domain covers 24% of the exam. This section tests your skills in deploying and configuring SAP systems on AWS according to best practices. Focus your preparation on implementing high availability, disaster recovery, backup, restore, monitoring, and automation solutions for SAP on AWS.

You need to demonstrate expertise in leveraging AWS services like CloudFormation, Elastic Beanstalk, OpsWorks, Systems Manager, and other tools to effectively deploy and manage SAP workloads. Hands-on experience with implementing SAP landscapes on AWS will be invaluable.

Migration of SAP Workloads to AWS (26% of exam)

The Migration of SAP Workloads to AWS domain covers 26% of the exam. You need to demonstrate expertise in tools, techniques, and best practices for migrating SAP systems to AWS. Focus your preparation on SAP migration planning, execution, validation, and cutover. Understand AWS native services like AWS DMS, AWS SCT, and AWS MGN for migrating SAP workloads.

You must know how to migrate SAP systems while minimizing downtime and meeting business requirements. Hands-on experience with SAP migration projects will help you master the concepts tested in this key domain.

Operation and Maintenance of SAP Workloads on AWS (20% of exam)

The Operation and Maintenance of SAP Workloads on AWS domain covers 20% of the exam. You need to demonstrate expertise in ongoing management of SAP systems on AWS. Focus your preparation on monitoring, troubleshooting, tuning, and optimizing SAP workloads to ensure availability, performance, and security goals are met.

Understand how to leverage AWS services like CloudWatch, AWS SAP Data Provider, and tools like SAP Solution Manager for operations. Hands-on experience with running SAP landscapes on AWS will help you master the operational concepts tested.

Why Get AWS Certified SAP on AWS Specialty?

Student studying books and computer to prepare for AWS SAP certification exam

Earning the AWS Certified SAP on AWS Specialty certification validates your expertise in architecting, migrating, and managing SAP workloads on AWS. This certification helps organizations identify and develop talent with critical SAP and AWS skills needed to provide robust, cost-effective solutions on AWS.

It demonstrates you have the knowledge to optimize SAP systems on AWS per the Well-Architected Framework and SAP support requirements. Whether you are a solutions architect, SAP basis admin, or IT pro looking to boost your cloud skills, this certification can showcase your capabilities and advance your career.

How to Prepare for the AWS PAS C01 Exam

Study Resources

The key resources to utilize when preparing for the PAS-C01 exam include the official exam guide, sample questions, AWS whitepapers, and AWS training courses. Focus your study on hands-on practice deploying SAP systems on AWS using services like EC2, RDS, VPC, and tools like CloudFormation and Beanstalk.

Leverage AWS Skill Builder for full exam simulations and third party practice tests for unique exam questions. Read AWS documentation on SAP architecture, migration, operations, and optimization. Hands-on experience with SAP projects on AWS is invaluable preparation.

Practice Tests

Practice exams are critical PAS-C01 prep resources to gauge your knowledge and test-taking skills. Leverage AWS Skill Builder for full exam simulations to experience the real PAS-C01 format and question types. Also use third-party practice tests from reputable providers for unique exam questions and detailed explanations.

Take practice tests frequently during your study process to identify weak areas and track improvement. Strive for scores above 80% on practice exams before taking the real PAS-C01 to ensure you’re fully prepared and confident.

Hands-on Experience

Hands-on experience with deploying, migrating, and operating SAP systems on AWS is invaluable preparation for the PAS-C01 exam. Use the AWS Free Tier to get firsthand practice launching SAP landscapes and databases on EC2, RDS, EBS, and other AWS services.

Complete projects migrating SAP systems to AWS using DMS, SCT, and other tools. Manage, monitor, and optimize running SAP workloads on AWS. Real-world experience will build the skills needed to pass exam questions on implementation, migration, operations, and troubleshooting. Strive for diverse hands-on practice across the major domains covered in the exam.

What’s on the AWS PAS-C01 Exam?

Crushing PAS-C01

The PAS-C01 exam covers four key domains:

– Design of SAP Workloads on AWS (30%): This section tests your skills in architecting and sizing SAP systems on AWS per best practices. You need expertise in choosing appropriate resources to meet performance, scalability, availability, and security requirements.

– Implementation of SAP Workloads on AWS (24%): You must demonstrate proficiency in deploying and configuring SAP landscapes on AWS leveraging tools like CloudFormation, Elastic Beanstalk, and Systems Manager.

– Migration of SAP Workloads to AWS (26%): Questions will assess your knowledge of processes, tools, and best practices for migrating SAP to AWS with minimal downtime. This covers SAP migration planning, execution, validation, and cutover.

– Operation and Maintenance of SAP Workloads on AWS (20%): You need to showcase skills in monitoring, troubleshooting, tuning, and optimizing running SAP systems on AWS for availability, performance, and security.

The exam covers core AWS services for SAP like EC2, RDS, S3, VPC, IAM, CloudWatch and more. You must demonstrate ability to meet SAP architecture, operations, and support requirements on AWS.


Earning the prestigious AWS Certified SAP on AWS Specialty certification requires dedication and rigorous preparation. This guide provided a comprehensive roadmap to pass the PAS-C01 exam on your first attempt.

By learning about the exam format, content domains, and recommended study resources, you can tailor your preparation plan. Focus on hands-on practice in all key exam areas – SAP system design, implementation, migration, operations, and optimization on AWS. Work through the outlined training courses, whitepapers, and practice tests.

With diligent study using the resources and tips in this guide, you can demonstrate your skills in deploying and managing robust SAP solutions on AWS. Passing this challenging exam validates your expertise to potential employers and advances your career.

The AWS Certified SAP on AWS Specialty certification unlocks new opportunities. It qualifies you for coveted roles managing critical SAP workloads in the cloud. While the path isn’t easy, your commitment to learning and hands-on practice can get you there. Use this guide as a map to reach your goal of passing the AWS PAS-C01 exam. The time to prepare is now – you can do it!

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AWS Advanced Networking Certification Cost: Is it Worth it?

AWS Advanced Networking Certification Cost

The AWS Advanced Networking Certification Cost $300 per attempt, with no limit on retakes after the mandatory 14 day waiting period. While the upfront cost is high, the long-term career benefits make this certification incredibly valuable for experienced networking professionals working with AWS in 2023.

To pass the exam, expect to spend 80-120 preparation hours reading AWS whitepapers, taking training courses, and using practice exams. Budget $100-$500 for study materials like video courses, practice tests, and the official study guide. The total investment can be $800-$1000 when including exam fees.

Despite the cost, earning this specialty certification results in higher salaries, more job opportunities, and faster career advancement. The certified skills in advanced AWS networking are highly sought after by employers for critical roles like Cloud Network Engineer, Network Architect, and Networking Consultant. For these reasons, the AWS Advanced Networking certification remains a top priority for experienced cloud networking professionals in 2023. The investment pays dividends in terms of long-term career growth.

Overview of the AWS Advanced Networking Certification Cost

Official name: AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification is one of the most prestigious and challenging AWS certifications. Officially named “AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty”, the exam code is AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty.

To earn this specialty certification, candidates must pass a difficult 3-hour exam that covers advanced AWS networking topics in-depth. There are 65 multiple choice and multiple response questions on the exam. A minimum passing score of 750 out of 1000 is required.

The target audience for the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam is experienced networking professionals with 5+ years of hands-on experience. Recommended skills include designing and implementing network architectures, automation, routing, security, and troubleshooting.

This specialty certification validates advanced technical expertise across the breadth of AWS networking services. Passing the exam demonstrates skills in architecting and operating network solutions at scale using AWS.

Due to its difficulty and prestige, the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification remains highly valued by employers seeking top talent. For cloud networking professionals, it is a must-have certification in 2023 and beyond.

Exam code: AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty

The exam code for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification is AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty. This 3-hour exam contains 65 questions that assess a candidate’s skills in designing, developing, and deploying cloud-based networks on AWS.

To pass the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam, examinees must demonstrate expert-level competency across a wide range of advanced AWS networking services and technologies. Key topics tested include hybrid network architecture, VPC design, automation, security, optimization, and troubleshooting.

AWS recommends candidates have at least 5 years of hands-on experience architecting and operating network solutions on AWS before attempting the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam. The advanced difficulty level requires deep technical knowledge across the full breadth of AWS networking capabilities.

While challenging, passing the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam validates specialized skills for roles like Cloud Network Architect and Networking Consultant. It remains a highly valued certification for IT professionals seeking to advance their cloud networking careers.

With thorough preparation using recommended training courses and practice exams, experienced networking engineers can expect to pass the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam in 2023. The certification signifies expertise in complex AWS networking at scale.

Cost: $300 per exam attempt

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty exam costs $300 per attempt. There are no discounts or free retakes offered by AWS for this professional-level certification exam.

While the upfront cost is high, it is important to factor in the overall investment for certification. Candidates should budget for proper exam preparation using recommended courses, practice tests, and study materials. Expect to spend at least $500-1000 on training depending on your experience level.

The total estimated cost for certification can range from $800 to over $1000 when including the exam fees. However, the long-term career benefits make the AWS Advanced Networking certification incredibly valuable for IT professionals.

Those who earn this specialty certification can expect higher salaries, more networking job opportunities, and faster career advancement. The certified advanced skills in AWS networking are highly sought after by employers filling critical cloud infrastructure roles.

For experienced networking engineers working in AWS environments, the monetary investment in the certification pays dividends through career growth and job security. While costly, the exam is a strategic investment for cloud professionals seeking to stand out.

Format: Multiple choice and multiple response, 65 questions

Infographic AWS Advanced Networking Certification Cost

The AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam contains 65 questions in a multiple choice and multiple response format. Examinees must complete the 170-minute exam within a single session at an authorized testing center or through online proctoring.

The AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam covers advanced AWS networking topics across 6 domains including network design, automation, security, integration, optimization, and troubleshooting. The questions test hands-on skills in architecting, deploying, and operating network solutions on AWS.

To pass, candidates must demonstrate expert-level knowledge of hybrid cloud networking, VPCs, transit gateways, VPNs, AWS Direct Connect, and other core services. The exam validates the ability to make design decisions for complex network architectures.

While challenging, the multiple choice format allows professionals to showcase AWS networking skills. Thoughtful preparation using recommended training courses, whitepapers, and practice exams is key to succeed.

With thorough studying, networking engineers can expect to pass the exam within 1-2 attempts. Earning the AWS Certified Advanced Networking certification proves advanced technical expertise in AWS cloud networking.

Time limit: 170 minutes

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking exam is strict with its time limit of 170 minutes, or just under 3 hours, to complete the entire 65 question exam. Candidates must carefully pace themselves to avoid running out of time before submitting the exam.

The time pressure requires examinees have expert-level knowledge to answer complex scenario-based questions rapidly. Thorough preparation covering all exam domains is key to succeed within the time limit. Candidates should be intimately familiar with advanced AWS networking services to solve problems quickly without wasting time searching for answers.

While challenging, the 170 minute time allotment is reasonable for experienced networking professionals. Using recommended training courses and taking timed practice exams helps ensure exam readiness. Candidates should also have hands-on experience architecting AWS networks to aid answering real-world questions efficiently.

With diligent preparation, IT professionals can pass the exam within the 170 minute window to earn the prestigious AWS Advanced Networking certification. However, the tight time limit leaves little room for error. Candidates must enter the exam confident in their AWS networking abilities to perform under pressure.

Passing score: 750/1000

To pass the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam, candidates must achieve a minimum score of 750 out of 1000. This relatively high passing score reflects the advanced difficulty level of the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam.

Examinees are tested on expert-level competency across a broad range of AWS networking services, architectures, automation, security, and troubleshooting. Given the complex nature of the content, thorough preparation is required to earn the passing score.

Achieving 750 points validates deep AWS cloud networking skills and the ability to make decisions in complex scenarios. While challenging, professionals who are hands-on with configuring AWS networks should expect to pass with proper studying.

The AWS Advanced Networking certification remains highly valued despite its difficult exam. Passing demonstrates specialized skills to employers seeking top talent. For IT professionals working with AWS, focusing on this prestigious certification is a strategic career move in 2023.

Key Benefits of Earning the Certification

Diagram showing an overview of AWS hybrid network architecture with VPN, Direct Connect, and VPC

Proves your skills in advanced AWS networking

Earning the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification validates your capability in designing, developing, and deploying complex network architectures on AWS. To pass the rigorous AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam, you must demonstrate expert-level competency across the full breadth of AWS networking services.

This prestigious certification proves you have the specialized skills to architect, implement, automate, and troubleshoot AWS global networks. It shows you can make complex design decisions to build secure, resilient, and efficient networks that meet requirements at scale.

Certified Advanced Networking skills are highly sought after by employers seeking candidates to fill critical cloud infrastructure roles. The certification signifies you have mastered technologies like VPC, hybrid connectivity, routing, security, optimization, and troubleshooting.

While challenging to obtain, the AWS Advanced Networking certification brings long-term career benefits. Passing the exam opens up lucrative job opportunities and salary potential. It demonstrates your expertise to hiring managers, setting you apart from others.

For IT professionals working with AWS, this certification should be a top priority. It proves you have the networking knowledge and hands-on skills to architect and operate AWS networks at an expert level.

Qualifies you for high-paying AWS networking jobs

The prestigious AWS Advanced Networking certification qualifies candidates for lucrative career opportunities in cloud networking. Certified professionals are in high demand for critical roles such as Cloud Network Architect, Network Engineer, and Networking Consultant, which offer top salaries.

Earning this certification proves you have the advanced skills to design, implement, automate, and troubleshoot global AWS networks. Companies value certified candidates for their expertise in architecting highly available, resilient, and efficient cloud networks at scale.

The certified knowledge across key AWS services like VPC, Direct Connect, VPN, and hybrid architectures is highly advantageous for real-world networking jobs. Passing the exam demonstrates hands-on skills in areas like automation, security, routing, and integration.

While the certification exam is challenging, it prepares candidates for high-paying cloud networking positions. Certified professionals stand out and open doors to senior technical roles managing critical AWS environments.

For experienced networking engineers, the AWS Advanced Networking certification should be a priority. It cements your expertise and elevates your career potential in the eyes of employers.

Boosts your resume and helps you stand out

The prestigious AWS Advanced Networking certification significantly enhances your resume and helps you stand out from other candidates. Passing this challenging exam proves you have mastered advanced skills in architecting, automating, and operating AWS global networks.

Certified professionals have a competitive edge during the hiring process for high-paying cloud infrastructure roles. The certification validates hands-on expertise across key services like VPC, VPN, Direct Connect, and hybrid cloud networking.

Hiring managers recognize that earning this certification requires deep AWS networking knowledge. It cements your abilities in the eyes of potential employers.

The certified skills, including network design, security, routing, and troubleshooting are highly sought after in today’s IT job market. Listing this certification on your resume signals to recruiters that you are a top talent in AWS networking.

For experienced networking engineers, highlighting the AWS Advanced Networking certification helps you stand out. It shows you have the proven knowledge and skills to take on critical, high-level cloud networking positions. The certification can fast-track your career advancement.

Expand your AWS cloud knowledge

Preparing for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking exam requires extensively expanding your AWS cloud knowledge across a wide range of networking services. To pass this challenging exam, you must demonstrate expert-level competency in complex AWS networking tasks.

Studying for certification involves reading AWS whitepapers, taking online courses, and hands-on practice with services like VPC, Direct Connect, VPN, and AWS Transit Gateway. The learning process covers network design, automation, security, troubleshooting, and hybrid cloud architectures.

The deep technical knowledge gained through certification preparation goes far beyond what is required just to pass the exam. Professionals who undertake this learning greatly expand their overall AWS skills and cloud fluency.

The certification journey teaches how core AWS infrastructure works and how to architect resilient, scalable networks on AWS. Even without passing the exam, the expanded AWS knowledge gained will be invaluable for advancing your cloud career.

Pursuing the AWS Advanced Networking certification results in a comprehensive education in AWS cloud networking. The extensive learning makes the certification well worth the effort for IT professionals working with AWS.

Who Should Take the Exam?

Person studying books and computer to prepare for AWS certification exam

The AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam is recommended for experienced IT professionals with hands-on experience architecting and operating network solutions on AWS.

Ideal candidates have 5+ years of networking experience across a breadth of areas including network design, automation, routing, security, and troubleshooting. Professionals who take this specialty certification exam should be highly technical with proven skills in architecting and deploying hybrid networks.

Recommended backgrounds for the Advanced Networking exam include:

– Network engineers

– System engineers

– Network architects

– DevOps engineers

– Cloud professionals

While challenging, the exam is designed for professionals responsible for complex AWS networking tasks like automating network deployments, optimizing performance, and monitoring availability.

With thorough preparation, IT experts skilled in on-premises and cloud networking can expect to certify their advanced AWS skills by passing this specialty exam in 2023. The certification validates technical expertise across the full range of AWS network services.

Exam Preparation Tips and Costs

Thorough preparation is critical to pass the challenging AWS Advanced Networking exam. Candidates should expect to spend 80-120 hours studying technical AWS services and networking architecture best practices.

Use free AWS training courses and whitepapers to start. Then take paid practice exams costing $20-$60 each. Video training courses range from $10-$150. Invest in the official study guide for $30-$60. In total, budget $100-$500+ for prep materials.

The total estimated cost for certification ranges from $800 to over $1000 when including the $300 exam fees. However, the long-term career benefits make this a wise investment for IT professionals working in AWS environments.

Some helpful preparation tips include hands-on practice with AWS services, taking timed practice tests, and studying real-world scenarios. Thorough studying across all exam domains is required given the advanced difficulty of the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam.

With diligent preparation using recommended training resources, experienced networking engineers can expect to pass the AWS Advanced Networking certification exam within 1-2 attempts. Earning this prestigious certification will significantly advance cloud careers.

Is the Certification Worth the Investment in 2023?

The AWS Advanced Networking certification remains highly valued by employers in 2023 despite its difficult exam and high cost. Certified professionals stand out with proven, hands-on expertise across a wide range of AWS networking services.

Passing this prestigious exam opens doors to lucrative AWS networking roles like Cloud Network Architect, Network Engineer, and Networking Consultant. Certified candidates can expect higher salaries, faster career advancement, and more job opportunities.

While the upfront investment is $800-$1000 for training materials and exam fees, the long-term payoff is excellent. The certified networking skills give professionals a competitive edge for high-paying cloud infrastructure positions.

Considering the career growth potential, talented AWS networking engineers should absolutely pursue this certification in 2023. The learning process also expands overall AWS cloud fluency beyond just networking. For these reasons, the AWS Advanced Networking certification remains a strategic investment despite the cost and difficulty.

The Bottom Line

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification remains one of the most prestigious and valuable AWS certifications for IT professionals working in cloud environments. While the upfront investment is high due to expensive exam fees and extensive preparation requirements, the long-term payoff makes this certification incredibly worthwhile in 2023 and beyond.

Earning this certification proves hands-on expertise across the full range of advanced AWS networking services. It qualifies candidates for lucrative job opportunities and commands higher salaries. The certified skills are highly sought after by employers looking to fill critical roles managing complex cloud networks.

Although the certification journey requires dedicating 80-120 hours for studying and costs approximately $800-$1000 when factoring in exam fees, training materials, and practice tests, the career impact is substantial. Certified professionals open doors to senior technical positions and gain a competitive edge during the hiring process.

Considering the excellent ROI, IT professionals working with AWS should make the AWS Certified Advanced Networking certification a top priority this year. The learning process also expands overall cloud architecture knowledge beyond just networking.

While certainly difficult, experienced networking engineers can expect to pass the exam with proper preparation. Those who earn this prestigious certification cement their expertise and elevate their career potential. The certified advanced skills in areas like hybrid connectivity, security, automation, and troubleshooting are highly marketable.

In summary, despite the high cost and effort required, the AWS Advanced Networking certification is absolutely worth pursuing for IT professionals in 2023. The investment pays dividends through lucrative career opportunities, higher salaries, and long-term growth potential.

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AWS Advanced Networking Exam Dump: Tips from an IT Pro

AWS Advanced Networking Exam Dump

The AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam is one of the toughest and most in-demand AWS certifications. Passing this exam requires expert-level knowledge of advanced networking architectures, interconnectivity options, network security, optimization, availability, and troubleshooting on AWS.

This comprehensive AWS Advanced Networking Exam Dump guide provides everything you need to pass the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam on your first attempt. We’ll cover exam logistics, key preparation resources, study tips from IT pros who passed, and insights into mastering the actual exam.

AWS Advanced Networking Specialty Exam Overview

Let’s first review some key details on the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam:

– Format: 65 questions, multiple-choice and multiple-response, no labs

– Length: 170 minutes

– Cost: $300 USD

– Prerequisites: AWS recommends at least 5 years of hands-on experience architecting and implementing network solutions. Professional experience using AWS services is highly recommended.

The AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam covers a wide range of advanced networking topics, including:

– Hybrid connectivity and AWS VPN options

– Direct Connect and transit gateways

– Network performance optimization

– High availability and fault tolerance

– Monitoring, analysis, and troubleshooting

A full exam guide detailing the content outline can be found on the AWS website.

Preparing for the AWS Advanced Networking Exam

AWS Advanced Networking Exam Dump infograph

Passing this advanced specialty exam requires rigorous preparation across technical networking skills, AWS services, and hands-on experience.

Here are the best resources to get you exam-ready:

AWS Training Courses

AWS offers several excellent digital training courses to help you prepare, including:

– Exam Prep: Advanced Networking – Specialty on AWS Skill Builder – Provides practice exams, video training, and hands-on labs focused on the exam.

– Amazon Training for Advanced Networking – Self-paced digital courses and instructor-led training covering advanced networking on AWS.

AWS Advanced Networking Exam Dump Practice Tests

AWS Advanced Networking Exam Dump Practice are crucial to test your knowledge and get comfortable with the question format and time constraints. The top resources are:

Amazon Certified Advanced Networking Specialty Practice Exams by Whizlabs – Simulates the actual exam with challenging questions and detailed explanations.

– AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty Practice Tests on Udemy – Timed tests with 80+ questions patterned after the real exam.

– Sample questions – AWS provides 15 sample questions with answers to demonstrate the exam format.

Books and Video Courses

Books and video training provide structured learning across all exam domains:

– Amazon Certified Advanced Networking Specialty All-in-One Exam Guide by Chris Fitch – Comprehensive prep book covering all ANS-C01 objectives.

– AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty video course by Stephane Maarek – Highly-rated video training with demos and hands-on exercises.

– AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty course by Adrian Cantrill – Includes theory, demos, and architectural diagrams for visual learners.

Amazon Documentation

Top-down view of AWS exam prep books, papers, and highlighters on a desk.

Reviewing the official AWS documentation is crucial exam preparation. Focus on the key networking services like VPC, Direct Connect, VPN, and Route 53.

Key areas to study in the documentation include:

– Architectural diagrams to understand how services interconnect

– Features and capabilities of each service

– Best practices for implementation and configuration

– Routing policies and options

– Integration with on-premises networks

Make sure you understand the specifics of concepts like:

– VPC peering, transit gateways

– VPN tunnels, customer gateways

– Direct Connect connections, virtual interfaces

– Route propagation, route tables

– DNS resolution options

Understanding the technical details in the AWS documentation will help you apply the concepts to exam scenarios. Leverage the documentation along with hands-on practice to reinforce your learning.

Hands-On Experience

There is no substitute for hands-on experience when preparing for the AWS Advanced Networking exam. You should build out a lab environment to get practical experience with key AWS networking services like VPC, Direct Connect, VPN, and Route 53.

In your lab, configure and test:

– Hybrid connectivity between AWS and on-premises networks

– High availability architectures

– VPC peering and transit gateways

– Security controls like NACLs and security groups

– Disaster recovery and backup solutions

Work through real-world use cases and scenarios you may encounter on the exam. Troubleshoot issues that arise to strengthen your monitoring, analysis, and problem-solving skills.

Leverage AWS Free Tier resources to build your lab cost-effectively. The hands-on experience will reinforce your learning and allow you to apply advanced networking concepts in a practical setting. This will boost your confidence and readiness for the hands-on portion of the exam.

Passing the Advanced Networking Specialty Exam

Photo of a man taking an exam on a laptop computer.

Here are some key tips and strategies to help you succeed on exam day:

– Read questions thoroughly – Look for small details that can change the meaning. Understand what the question is really asking.

– Watch for distractor answers – Eliminate clearly wrong answers first. The remaining options will be more nuanced.

– Manage time carefully – Don’t get bogged down in one question. Mark tricky questions to return to later.

– Use process of elimination – Cross off incorrect answers and narrow down to the best option.

– Flag questions to review – Mark any questions you’re unsure of to revisit at the end.

– Don’t overthink questions – Your first instinct is often correct. Don’t second-guess yourself.

– Review flagged questions – At the end, go back through the questions you marked for review.

– Trust your preparation – You’ve put in the work. Have confidence in your knowledge and experience.

Recertification Requirements

Once earned, the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification is valid for three years.

To recertify, you must either retake and pass the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam or achieve one of the following:

– Hold a current Associate or Professional level AWS certification

– Pass any Professional level exam (in addition to the one used for initial certification)

– Pass the current version of the Specialty exam

This gives you options if you are maintaining multiple AWS certifications.

Some key points:

– Recertify before your certification expires to stay certified

– Consider timing recertification with new AWS feature releases

– Leverage the 50% exam discount voucher when recertifying

Recertifying demonstrates your continued expertise as AWS services evolve. It validates you have kept your skills current in the fast-changing AWS landscape.

Career Opportunities with AWS Advanced Networking Certification

Earning the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification can significantly boost your cloud career. As more organizations accelerate their migration to AWS, there is huge demand for IT professionals with proven skills in designing, implementing, and managing complex network architectures on the cloud.

Here are some of the top jobs and average salaries you can qualify for with this certification:

– Architect Cloud Network: $135,000 – $165,000

– Engineer Cloud Network: $95,000 – $125,000

– Architect Cloud Infrastructure: $115,000 – $150,000

– Architect Cloud Security: $125,000 – $175,000

Other benefits include:

– Fast track your career progression and promotion opportunities

– Gain advanced skills to take on more complex projects

– Increase your value and negotiate higher salaries

– Expand your career options by bridging cloud and on-premises networks

The certification validates you have the technical expertise and real-world experience to design and operate network solutions on AWS. It demonstrates you can apply networking best practices to build secure, reliable, high-performance networks on the cloud.

Combined with hands-on experience, the AWS Advanced Networking certification helps you stand out and qualify for lucrative cloud computing roles. It opens doors to take your career to the next level.


The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification validates your skills in advanced cloud networking concepts. It requires deep AWS knowledge, networking fundamentals, and hands-on experience.

This guide offers a thorough and detailed summary of the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam, the best study resources, preparation tips from IT pros, strategies for passing the exam, recertification requirements, and the career benefits of earning this specialty certification.

With rigorous preparation using the right study materials and resources, you can master the knowledge and skills assessed on the exam. Use this guide to help chart your path to becoming an AWS Certified Advanced Networking Specialty professional.

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AWS Security Speciality Training: Everything You Need to Know

AWS Security Speciality Training

AWS Security Specialty certification validates advanced skills in securing AWS workloads and architectures. To pass the SCS-C01 and SCS-C02 exams, hands-on experience implementing security controls like encryption, identity access management, and logging is critical.

The specialty exam covers domains like incident response, infrastructure security, and data protection. AWS recommends completing security training like the Security Fundamentals digital course before attempting the exam.

Focus your preparation on using key services like AWS Identity Center, Amazon VPC, GuardDuty, and Security Hub. These provide capabilities for access control, network security, threat detection, and compliance monitoring.

After AWS training, validate knowledge with practice exams from resources like AWS Sample Questions and Exam Readiness course. Successfully passing the AWS Certified Security – Specialty exam demonstrates expertise to employers and boosts cloud security career opportunities.

The key is to combine AWS security training with hands-on practice. This develops the skills needed to design secure architectures and implement robust controls to pass the specialty certification.


AWS Security Speciality Training infograph

To take the AWS Certified Security – Specialty exam, you’ll need at least 5 years of IT security experience designing and implementing security solutions. Hands-on expertise securing AWS workloads is also required, with at least 2 years of hands-on experience recommended.

Some key areas to have experience with before attempting certification include:

– Implementing security controls like encryption, identity access management, and logging in AWS

– Developing monitoring and alerting strategies

– Managing vulnerabilities and automation

– Integrating AWS security services

– Backup and disaster recovery

– Cryptography and key management

– Data retention and compliance

Hands-on practice with AWS services like AWS Identity Center, Amazon VPC, GuardDuty, and Security Hub is highly recommended prior to the exam. These provide capabilities around access control, network security, threat detection, and compliance monitoring.

While general cybersecurity knowledge is useful, the exam focuses on specific AWS security features, services, and architectures. Hands-on expertise is critical to pass the specialty certification exam.

Exam Domains

1 Domain: Incident Response

The Incident Response domain covers critical skills like:

– Responding to compromised AWS instances and isolating affected resources.

– Validating and executing on incident response plans when security events occur.

– Configuring automated alerting to detect and respond to security incidents rapidly.

Hands-on experience with Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Macie, and Amazon Detective is important for this domain. These provide capabilities like:

– Threat detection – analyzing VPC traffic, CloudTrail logs, and S3 data to identify malicious activity.

– Automated response – stopping attacks and protecting data by disabling compromised resources.

– Visualization – tracking the scope and impact of security incidents through event timelines.

Focus your preparation on incident response in the cloud, leveraging AWS services to improve detection, investigation, containment, and recovery. Validate skills by testing incident response plans and using tools like GuardDuty to generate alerts for a simulated incident.

2 Domain: Logging and Monitoring

The Logging and Monitoring domain covers designing, implementing, and troubleshooting logging and monitoring capabilities on AWS.

Focus your preparation on services like Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, and Amazon GuardDuty. CloudWatch provides metrics and log aggregation to monitor workloads. CloudTrail records API calls to enable security analysis and compliance auditing. GuardDuty uses threat intelligence to identify suspicious activity.

Hands-on experience with these services is critical. Validate skills by architecting a logging solution across accounts and regions, troubleshooting issues like missing logs, and configuring CloudWatch alerts triggered by GuardDuty findings.

Monitoring and rapid detection are essential for security incident response. Certification demonstrates you have the technical expertise to build effective logging and monitoring on AWS for security, operational visibility, and compliance.

3 Domain: Infrastructure Security

The Infrastructure Security domain covers skills in designing, implementing, and troubleshooting secure networks, edge services, and compute environments on AWS.

Focus your preparation on Amazon VPC, AWS Shield, Amazon CloudFront, and Amazon EC2 security groups. VPC enables creation of isolated networks, CloudFront protects against DDoS attacks, and security groups filter traffic to EC2 instances.

Hands-on experience with these services is essential. Validate skills by architecting a multi-tier VPC with public and private subnets, implementing AWS WAF rules to filter malicious requests, and troubleshooting connectivity issues between VPCs and on-premises networks.

Robust edge security, network segmentation, and host hardening provide a strong foundation for workloads on AWS. Certification demonstrates you have the technical proficiency to build secure infrastructure and troubleshoot issues for availability, integrity, and confidentiality.

4 Domain: Identity and Access Management

The Identity and Access Management domain covers critical skills in implementing authentication, authorization, and access control on AWS.

Focus your preparation on services like AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Single Sign-On, and Amazon Cognito. IAM enables creation of users, groups, roles, and policies to manage access. Single Sign-On provides SSO capabilities using SAML. Cognito provides user identity pools for mobile apps.

Hands-on experience with these services is essential. Validate skills by implementing multi-factor authentication, rotating access keys, integrating with on-premises identity providers, authorizing IAM roles for EC2 instances, and troubleshooting permission issues.

Robust identity and access management controls provide the foundation for securing AWS environments and resources. Certification demonstrates you have the technical proficiency to architect secure authentication, authorization, and access management.

5 Domain: Data Protection

The Data Protection domain focuses on skills for implementing encryption, managing keys, and troubleshooting data security controls in AWS.

Hands-on experience with services like AWS Key Management Service (KMS), Amazon S3 encryption, and AWS Certificate Manager is critical. KMS enables creation of keys and control of encryption operations. S3 and EBS encryption protect data at rest. ACM provides SSL/TLS certificates.

Validate skills by encrypting S3 objects using KMS keys, implementing client-side data encryption, rotating encryption keys, and troubleshooting issues decrypting S3 objects or accessing encrypted EBS volumes.

Robust data protection controls like encryption, key management, and SSL/TLS certificates provide confidentiality and integrity for data in the cloud. Certification demonstrates proficiency implementing layered controls following best practices and compliance frameworks.

Recommended Training

AWS Security Speciality Training detail

AWS recommends completing several security training courses before attempting the specialty certification exam. These provide foundational knowledge across key domains like encryption, access control, monitoring, and incident response.

Recommended courses include:

– AWS Security Fundamentals – Covers cloud security best practices

– Advanced Architecting on AWS – Dives deeper into security architecture

– Security Operations on AWS – Focuses on threat detection and response

AWS also provides free digital training content and whitepapers to supplement courses.

Hands-on experience with AWS security services is critical. Focus your preparation on using key services like AWS Identity Center, Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, and AWS Security Hub.

Validate knowledge by completing labs to get practical experience with encryption, identity management, network security, logging, and compliance controls. Certification demonstrates you have moved beyond conceptual knowledge to gain the technical proficiency to architect and operate secure workloads on AWS.

AWS Security Speciality Training Practice Exams

AWS Security Speciality Training promotion banner

Practice exams are critical preparation resources to validate your knowledge before attempting AWS certification. They help identify gaps in understanding across key exam domains.

AWS provides the following practice resources:

– Sample Questions – Free questions covering each exam domain

– Practice Exams – Paid full-length practice tests

– Exam Readiness digital course – Timed practice exams with feedback

Third parties also offer full-length practice tests like Whizlabs and Udemy.

When taking practice exams:

– Use exam modes that simulate real testing conditions

– Review explanations for any missed questions

– Identify domains needing more focus

– Retake exams until scoring over 85% consistently

Practice tests reinforce learning, improve recall, and reduce test anxiety. They provide feedback on areas needing more preparation before your actual certification exam. Focused practice is key to validate the technical security skills needed to pass the AWS Certified Security – Specialty exam.