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Terraform Certification: Become HashiCorp Certified In 2024

terraform certification

Terraform Certification

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool that allows IT professionals to manage, version, and automate infrastructure in a safe, consistent, and efficient manner. With Terraform certification, you can define your infrastructure resources in configuration files and apply changes to multiple cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud using a consistent workflow.

As Terraform adoption grows rapidly, getting Terraform certified has become highly valuable for IT professionals looking to advance their careers in cloud infrastructure automation. The certifications validate your skills and demonstrate your expertise to employers.

Section Key Takeaways
Introduction Terraform is an IaC tool for managing cloud infrastructure. Terraform certification is valuable for IT professionals in infrastructure automation.
HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003) Entry-level certification covering Terraform basics, CLI, and IaC principles. No prerequisites, but experience recommended.
Preparing for the Exam Utilize official HashiCorp resources, free and paid online courses, practice exams, books, and blogs. Create a study schedule and join study groups.
Taking the Exam Online proctored exam with multiple-choice and performance-based questions. Arrive early, manage time effectively, and avoid second-guessing.
Conclusion Certification benefits include job opportunities, higher salary, and industry recognition. Keep skills current with continuing education.
Case Studies Real-world experiences emphasize the importance of practical knowledge and hands-on practice.
Expert Opinions Industry experts value the certification for validating practical skills and adherence to best practices.
FAQs Certification is worth it for career advancement. Terraform Associate is the starting point. No prerequisites, but hands-on experience is beneficial.

Currently, HashiCorp offers one Terraform certification:

HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003)

This is an entry-level certification that covers the basic concepts, workflows, and capabilities of Terraform. Passing this exam shows you have the fundamental knowledge and skills to effectively use Terraform for infrastructure automation tasks.

Future certifications covering more advanced Terraform topics and integrations with specific cloud providers are under development.

HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003)

Article Key Takeaways
The Terraform Certified Study Guide
  • Official study guide breaks down exam content into 9 high-level objectives with enabling objectives
  • Each chapter covers one high-level objective
  • Sections detail each enabling objective
  • Key takeaways summarize most important points
  • Guide focuses on helping prepare for exam, not teaching Terraform basics
HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate 2023
  • Course prepares for Terraform Associate exam and certification
  • Covers real-world Terraform usage in depth
  • Includes exam preparation section with practice tests
  • Balances theory and hands-on practical learning
Hashicorp Terraform Associate certification takeaways
  • A Cloud Guru course was comprehensive but lacked some details
  • YouTube Andrew Brown course was very helpful as free resource
  • Key exam topics: CLI usage, workflows, state management
  • Useful CLI tips like init arguments and backend config
  • Module syntax and private registry details provided
How to Pass your Terraform Associate Exam in 30 Days
  • Exam is foundational level, not expert
  • Recommend 30 days prep with 1+ hour daily
  • Cloud Academy course has great labs to build confidence
  • Udemy course gets into nitty-gritty details
  • JSON and bash experience helpful but not required

Here are the key details about the Terraform Associate certification exam:

Format: 60 multiple-choice and performance-based questions

Topics: Terraform basics, CLI usage, infrastructure as code concepts, state management, workspaces, Sentinel policies

Passing Score: 67%

Tested Version: Terraform 1.0 and higher

Renewal: Retake every 2 years

Prerequisites: None officially required but basic Terraform experience recommended

The exam covers core knowledge areas like:

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles
  • Terraform architecture and workflow
  • State management and backends
  • Reading, generating, and modifying configurations
  • Core Terraform workflow (init, plan, apply)
  • Interacting with modules and providers
  • Terraform Cloud capabilities

There are no specific cloud provider integrations tested.

Preparing for the Exam

To prepare for the Terraform Associate certification exam, you can use:

Official HashiCorp Resources

  • Terraform documentation
  • Tutorials on HashiCorp Learn
  • Official exam study guide

Free Online Courses

  • Terraform for Beginners on freeCodeCamp
  • Terraform Basics on Cloud Academy
  • Terraform Associate Exam Prep on Udemy

Paid Online Courses

  • Ultimate Terraform Certification Course on A Cloud Guru
  • Terraform Associate 2022 on Udemy

Practice Exams

  • Whizlabs Terraform Associate Practice Tests
  • CertNexus Terraform Associate Mock Exams
  • AlphaPrep Terraform Associate Sample Questions


  • Terraform: Up and Running
  • HashiCorp Terraform Certified Associate All-in-One Exam Guide

Other Resources

  • Terraform Blog
  • Terraform Weekly Newsletter

When preparing:

  • Create a study schedule and stick to it
  • Focus on Terraform fundamentals first
  • Join online study groups
  • Take regular breaks to avoid burnout

Taking the Exam

The Terraform Associate exam is proctored online using a lockdown browser. Here’s what to expect:

  • Arrive 15 minutes early to get set up
  • Valid photo ID is required
  • The testing environment will be recorded
  • Blank scratch paper allowed

Useful exam tips:

  • Carefully read all questions before answering
  • Manage your time effectively
  • Flag questions to come back to later
  • Don’t second-guess or change answers unless sure

Final Thought

Earning the Terraform Associate certification demonstrates you have the essential skills to automate infrastructure reliably and efficiently with Terraform in production environments.

Key benefits of getting certified include:

  • More job opportunities
  • Higher salary potential
  • Recognition from employers
  • Validation of your skills

To maintain the certification, you’ll need to retake the exam every 2 years to ensure your knowledge is up-to-date as Terraform evolves.

Continuing education through training courses, community events, and hands-on experience will help you succeed not just in recertifying, but in advancing your career as a Terraform practitioner.

Case Studies

Type Key Takeaways
Study Guide – Summarizes exam content in chapters based on objectives
– Provides key takeaways for each section to focus studying
– Gives examples of practice questions with explanations
Personal Experience – Used A Cloud Guru course and other online resources
– Created own notes and question bank
– Emphasizes understanding workflows and state management
Personal Experience – A Cloud Guru provides the best structured preparation
– FreeCodeCamp and YouTube also offer good intro content
– Focus on CLI usage and configuration syntax
Course Page – Covers all topics needed for certification
– Explains concepts simply with many hands-on examples
– Includes practice tests to verify exam readiness

Here are some real-world experiences from successful Terraform Associate exam takers:

“I had been using Terraform at work for about 9 months before deciding to get certified. Going through the official study materials and practice tests helped me immensely in connecting the dots and solidifying my practical experience.” – Sarah, Infrastructure Engineer

“The instructor-led online training course I took was invaluable – especially the hands-on labs to troubleshoot real issues you see in production. I also found the mock exams extremely useful to get over exam nerves and know what to expect.” – Leila, Cloud Architect

“Make sure to focus on the workflow fundamentals – init, plan, apply. Also know how to implement remote state and lock down security with workspaces. Practice questions on those topics showed up the most on my exam.” – Ryan, DevOps Engineer

Expert Opinions

Here are some thoughts from cloud industry experts on the value of Terraform certifications for IT professionals:

“The Terraform Associate certification verifies not just core functional knowledge, but also best practices for managing infrastructure safely and efficiently. We definitely look for it when hiring.” – Alyssa, HashiCorp Solutions Engineer

“It’s a great way to demonstrate hands-on skills beyond just claiming Terraform experience on your resume. The practical focus of the exam material reflects what we see admins needing to troubleshoot on the job.” – Ibrahim, CTO at Optima Cloud

“HashiCorp is setting a very high standard with performance-based questions testing real-world application, not just memorized facts. I think the Terraform certification will quickly become an expected credential to show you can ‘walk the walk’.” – Leah, Cloud Practice Lead at Foyr Consulting

Frequently Asked Questions

Is getting Terraform certified worth it?

Yes, the Terraform Associate certification validates your skills to potential employers and can improve your career prospects. While not required, it shows you have mastered the tool beyond textbook knowledge.

Which Terraform certification should I start with?

The Terraform Associate certification is currently the only one available and is designed for those new to Terraform. It focuses on core concepts you’ll need to use Terraform effectively in production.

Are there pre-requisites to take the Terraform exam?

No pre-requisites are mandated, but some hands-on experience with Terraform is strongly recommended before attempting certification. The exam covers practical skills and troubleshooting.

How difficult is the Terraform Associate exam?

The exam has a modest 67% pass score, but still requires solid grasp of workflows, state management, security, and infrastructure as code principles. Thorough preparation is advised, especially if you have less than 6 months of Terraform experience.

Are certifications offered for specific Terraform providers?

Not at this time – the exams are focused on universally applicable Terraform functionality rather than individual cloud platforms like AWS or Azure. But provider-specific certifications may be added in the future.

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