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AWS Advanced Networking Certification Cost: Is it Worth it?

AWS Advanced Networking Certification Cost

The AWS Advanced Networking Certification Cost $300 per attempt, with no limit on retakes after the mandatory 14 day waiting period. While the upfront cost is high, the long-term career benefits make this certification incredibly valuable for experienced networking professionals working with AWS in 2023.

To pass the exam, expect to spend 80-120 preparation hours reading AWS whitepapers, taking training courses, and using practice exams. Budget $100-$500 for study materials like video courses, practice tests, and the official study guide. The total investment can be $800-$1000 when including exam fees.

Despite the cost, earning this specialty certification results in higher salaries, more job opportunities, and faster career advancement. The certified skills in advanced AWS networking are highly sought after by employers for critical roles like Cloud Network Engineer, Network Architect, and Networking Consultant. For these reasons, the AWS Advanced Networking certification remains a top priority for experienced cloud networking professionals in 2023. The investment pays dividends in terms of long-term career growth.

Overview of the AWS Advanced Networking Certification Cost

Official name: AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification is one of the most prestigious and challenging AWS certifications. Officially named “AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty”, the exam code is AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty.

To earn this specialty certification, candidates must pass a difficult 3-hour exam that covers advanced AWS networking topics in-depth. There are 65 multiple choice and multiple response questions on the exam. A minimum passing score of 750 out of 1000 is required.

The target audience for the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam is experienced networking professionals with 5+ years of hands-on experience. Recommended skills include designing and implementing network architectures, automation, routing, security, and troubleshooting.

This specialty certification validates advanced technical expertise across the breadth of AWS networking services. Passing the exam demonstrates skills in architecting and operating network solutions at scale using AWS.

Due to its difficulty and prestige, the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification remains highly valued by employers seeking top talent. For cloud networking professionals, it is a must-have certification in 2023 and beyond.

Exam code: AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty

The exam code for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification is AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty. This 3-hour exam contains 65 questions that assess a candidate’s skills in designing, developing, and deploying cloud-based networks on AWS.

To pass the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam, examinees must demonstrate expert-level competency across a wide range of advanced AWS networking services and technologies. Key topics tested include hybrid network architecture, VPC design, automation, security, optimization, and troubleshooting.

AWS recommends candidates have at least 5 years of hands-on experience architecting and operating network solutions on AWS before attempting the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam. The advanced difficulty level requires deep technical knowledge across the full breadth of AWS networking capabilities.

While challenging, passing the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam validates specialized skills for roles like Cloud Network Architect and Networking Consultant. It remains a highly valued certification for IT professionals seeking to advance their cloud networking careers.

With thorough preparation using recommended training courses and practice exams, experienced networking engineers can expect to pass the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam in 2023. The certification signifies expertise in complex AWS networking at scale.

Cost: $300 per exam attempt

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty exam costs $300 per attempt. There are no discounts or free retakes offered by AWS for this professional-level certification exam.

While the upfront cost is high, it is important to factor in the overall investment for certification. Candidates should budget for proper exam preparation using recommended courses, practice tests, and study materials. Expect to spend at least $500-1000 on training depending on your experience level.

The total estimated cost for certification can range from $800 to over $1000 when including the exam fees. However, the long-term career benefits make the AWS Advanced Networking certification incredibly valuable for IT professionals.

Those who earn this specialty certification can expect higher salaries, more networking job opportunities, and faster career advancement. The certified advanced skills in AWS networking are highly sought after by employers filling critical cloud infrastructure roles.

For experienced networking engineers working in AWS environments, the monetary investment in the certification pays dividends through career growth and job security. While costly, the exam is a strategic investment for cloud professionals seeking to stand out.

Format: Multiple choice and multiple response, 65 questions

Infographic AWS Advanced Networking Certification Cost

The AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam contains 65 questions in a multiple choice and multiple response format. Examinees must complete the 170-minute exam within a single session at an authorized testing center or through online proctoring.

The AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam covers advanced AWS networking topics across 6 domains including network design, automation, security, integration, optimization, and troubleshooting. The questions test hands-on skills in architecting, deploying, and operating network solutions on AWS.

To pass, candidates must demonstrate expert-level knowledge of hybrid cloud networking, VPCs, transit gateways, VPNs, AWS Direct Connect, and other core services. The exam validates the ability to make design decisions for complex network architectures.

While challenging, the multiple choice format allows professionals to showcase AWS networking skills. Thoughtful preparation using recommended training courses, whitepapers, and practice exams is key to succeed.

With thorough studying, networking engineers can expect to pass the exam within 1-2 attempts. Earning the AWS Certified Advanced Networking certification proves advanced technical expertise in AWS cloud networking.

Time limit: 170 minutes

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking exam is strict with its time limit of 170 minutes, or just under 3 hours, to complete the entire 65 question exam. Candidates must carefully pace themselves to avoid running out of time before submitting the exam.

The time pressure requires examinees have expert-level knowledge to answer complex scenario-based questions rapidly. Thorough preparation covering all exam domains is key to succeed within the time limit. Candidates should be intimately familiar with advanced AWS networking services to solve problems quickly without wasting time searching for answers.

While challenging, the 170 minute time allotment is reasonable for experienced networking professionals. Using recommended training courses and taking timed practice exams helps ensure exam readiness. Candidates should also have hands-on experience architecting AWS networks to aid answering real-world questions efficiently.

With diligent preparation, IT professionals can pass the exam within the 170 minute window to earn the prestigious AWS Advanced Networking certification. However, the tight time limit leaves little room for error. Candidates must enter the exam confident in their AWS networking abilities to perform under pressure.

Passing score: 750/1000

To pass the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam, candidates must achieve a minimum score of 750 out of 1000. This relatively high passing score reflects the advanced difficulty level of the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam.

Examinees are tested on expert-level competency across a broad range of AWS networking services, architectures, automation, security, and troubleshooting. Given the complex nature of the content, thorough preparation is required to earn the passing score.

Achieving 750 points validates deep AWS cloud networking skills and the ability to make decisions in complex scenarios. While challenging, professionals who are hands-on with configuring AWS networks should expect to pass with proper studying.

The AWS Advanced Networking certification remains highly valued despite its difficult exam. Passing demonstrates specialized skills to employers seeking top talent. For IT professionals working with AWS, focusing on this prestigious certification is a strategic career move in 2023.

Key Benefits of Earning the Certification

Diagram showing an overview of AWS hybrid network architecture with VPN, Direct Connect, and VPC

Proves your skills in advanced AWS networking

Earning the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification validates your capability in designing, developing, and deploying complex network architectures on AWS. To pass the rigorous AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam, you must demonstrate expert-level competency across the full breadth of AWS networking services.

This prestigious certification proves you have the specialized skills to architect, implement, automate, and troubleshoot AWS global networks. It shows you can make complex design decisions to build secure, resilient, and efficient networks that meet requirements at scale.

Certified Advanced Networking skills are highly sought after by employers seeking candidates to fill critical cloud infrastructure roles. The certification signifies you have mastered technologies like VPC, hybrid connectivity, routing, security, optimization, and troubleshooting.

While challenging to obtain, the AWS Advanced Networking certification brings long-term career benefits. Passing the exam opens up lucrative job opportunities and salary potential. It demonstrates your expertise to hiring managers, setting you apart from others.

For IT professionals working with AWS, this certification should be a top priority. It proves you have the networking knowledge and hands-on skills to architect and operate AWS networks at an expert level.

Qualifies you for high-paying AWS networking jobs

The prestigious AWS Advanced Networking certification qualifies candidates for lucrative career opportunities in cloud networking. Certified professionals are in high demand for critical roles such as Cloud Network Architect, Network Engineer, and Networking Consultant, which offer top salaries.

Earning this certification proves you have the advanced skills to design, implement, automate, and troubleshoot global AWS networks. Companies value certified candidates for their expertise in architecting highly available, resilient, and efficient cloud networks at scale.

The certified knowledge across key AWS services like VPC, Direct Connect, VPN, and hybrid architectures is highly advantageous for real-world networking jobs. Passing the exam demonstrates hands-on skills in areas like automation, security, routing, and integration.

While the certification exam is challenging, it prepares candidates for high-paying cloud networking positions. Certified professionals stand out and open doors to senior technical roles managing critical AWS environments.

For experienced networking engineers, the AWS Advanced Networking certification should be a priority. It cements your expertise and elevates your career potential in the eyes of employers.

Boosts your resume and helps you stand out

The prestigious AWS Advanced Networking certification significantly enhances your resume and helps you stand out from other candidates. Passing this challenging exam proves you have mastered advanced skills in architecting, automating, and operating AWS global networks.

Certified professionals have a competitive edge during the hiring process for high-paying cloud infrastructure roles. The certification validates hands-on expertise across key services like VPC, VPN, Direct Connect, and hybrid cloud networking.

Hiring managers recognize that earning this certification requires deep AWS networking knowledge. It cements your abilities in the eyes of potential employers.

The certified skills, including network design, security, routing, and troubleshooting are highly sought after in today’s IT job market. Listing this certification on your resume signals to recruiters that you are a top talent in AWS networking.

For experienced networking engineers, highlighting the AWS Advanced Networking certification helps you stand out. It shows you have the proven knowledge and skills to take on critical, high-level cloud networking positions. The certification can fast-track your career advancement.

Expand your AWS cloud knowledge

Preparing for the AWS Certified Advanced Networking exam requires extensively expanding your AWS cloud knowledge across a wide range of networking services. To pass this challenging exam, you must demonstrate expert-level competency in complex AWS networking tasks.

Studying for certification involves reading AWS whitepapers, taking online courses, and hands-on practice with services like VPC, Direct Connect, VPN, and AWS Transit Gateway. The learning process covers network design, automation, security, troubleshooting, and hybrid cloud architectures.

The deep technical knowledge gained through certification preparation goes far beyond what is required just to pass the exam. Professionals who undertake this learning greatly expand their overall AWS skills and cloud fluency.

The certification journey teaches how core AWS infrastructure works and how to architect resilient, scalable networks on AWS. Even without passing the exam, the expanded AWS knowledge gained will be invaluable for advancing your cloud career.

Pursuing the AWS Advanced Networking certification results in a comprehensive education in AWS cloud networking. The extensive learning makes the certification well worth the effort for IT professionals working with AWS.

Who Should Take the Exam?

Person studying books and computer to prepare for AWS certification exam

The AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam is recommended for experienced IT professionals with hands-on experience architecting and operating network solutions on AWS.

Ideal candidates have 5+ years of networking experience across a breadth of areas including network design, automation, routing, security, and troubleshooting. Professionals who take this specialty certification exam should be highly technical with proven skills in architecting and deploying hybrid networks.

Recommended backgrounds for the Advanced Networking exam include:

– Network engineers

– System engineers

– Network architects

– DevOps engineers

– Cloud professionals

While challenging, the exam is designed for professionals responsible for complex AWS networking tasks like automating network deployments, optimizing performance, and monitoring availability.

With thorough preparation, IT experts skilled in on-premises and cloud networking can expect to certify their advanced AWS skills by passing this specialty exam in 2023. The certification validates technical expertise across the full range of AWS network services.

Exam Preparation Tips and Costs

Thorough preparation is critical to pass the challenging AWS Advanced Networking exam. Candidates should expect to spend 80-120 hours studying technical AWS services and networking architecture best practices.

Use free AWS training courses and whitepapers to start. Then take paid practice exams costing $20-$60 each. Video training courses range from $10-$150. Invest in the official study guide for $30-$60. In total, budget $100-$500+ for prep materials.

The total estimated cost for certification ranges from $800 to over $1000 when including the $300 exam fees. However, the long-term career benefits make this a wise investment for IT professionals working in AWS environments.

Some helpful preparation tips include hands-on practice with AWS services, taking timed practice tests, and studying real-world scenarios. Thorough studying across all exam domains is required given the advanced difficulty of the AWS-Certified-Advanced-Networking-Specialty exam.

With diligent preparation using recommended training resources, experienced networking engineers can expect to pass the AWS Advanced Networking certification exam within 1-2 attempts. Earning this prestigious certification will significantly advance cloud careers.

Is the Certification Worth the Investment in 2023?

The AWS Advanced Networking certification remains highly valued by employers in 2023 despite its difficult exam and high cost. Certified professionals stand out with proven, hands-on expertise across a wide range of AWS networking services.

Passing this prestigious exam opens doors to lucrative AWS networking roles like Cloud Network Architect, Network Engineer, and Networking Consultant. Certified candidates can expect higher salaries, faster career advancement, and more job opportunities.

While the upfront investment is $800-$1000 for training materials and exam fees, the long-term payoff is excellent. The certified networking skills give professionals a competitive edge for high-paying cloud infrastructure positions.

Considering the career growth potential, talented AWS networking engineers should absolutely pursue this certification in 2023. The learning process also expands overall AWS cloud fluency beyond just networking. For these reasons, the AWS Advanced Networking certification remains a strategic investment despite the cost and difficulty.

The Bottom Line

The AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification remains one of the most prestigious and valuable AWS certifications for IT professionals working in cloud environments. While the upfront investment is high due to expensive exam fees and extensive preparation requirements, the long-term payoff makes this certification incredibly worthwhile in 2023 and beyond.

Earning this certification proves hands-on expertise across the full range of advanced AWS networking services. It qualifies candidates for lucrative job opportunities and commands higher salaries. The certified skills are highly sought after by employers looking to fill critical roles managing complex cloud networks.

Although the certification journey requires dedicating 80-120 hours for studying and costs approximately $800-$1000 when factoring in exam fees, training materials, and practice tests, the career impact is substantial. Certified professionals open doors to senior technical positions and gain a competitive edge during the hiring process.

Considering the excellent ROI, IT professionals working with AWS should make the AWS Certified Advanced Networking certification a top priority this year. The learning process also expands overall cloud architecture knowledge beyond just networking.

While certainly difficult, experienced networking engineers can expect to pass the exam with proper preparation. Those who earn this prestigious certification cement their expertise and elevate their career potential. The certified advanced skills in areas like hybrid connectivity, security, automation, and troubleshooting are highly marketable.

In summary, despite the high cost and effort required, the AWS Advanced Networking certification is absolutely worth pursuing for IT professionals in 2023. The investment pays dividends through lucrative career opportunities, higher salaries, and long-term growth potential.

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