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AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Salary: Career and Salary Benefits

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Salary


The field of voice technology is rapidly growing, and Amazon Alexa is at the forefront. Alexa provides users with a conversational interface to get information, control smart home devices, make purchases, and more. The aws certified alexa skill builder salary for professionals in this field is quite lucrative. Behind the scenes, Alexa skills are built by developers to enable these voice experiences. As demand for voice apps grows, so does the need for qualified Alexa skill builders. Becoming an AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder can help developers stand out and advance their careers in this exciting field.

all-inclusive tutorial, we’ll go over crucial topics related to becoming an AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder, including skill builder roles, required skills, exam details, certification benefits, career opportunities, salaries, and more. Whether you are new to voice app development or an experienced Alexa developer looking to get certified, this guide will provide valuable insights into the certification process and the professional opportunities it enables.

Alexa Skill Builder Roles and Responsibilities

Alexa skill builders take on various roles in the skill development lifecycle, including:

  • Voice designer – Design conversational interactions and voice user experiences
  • Skill architect – Architect the backend infrastructure and integration with AWS services
  • Skill developer – Develop code for the skill logic, integration, testing, and debugging
  • VUI designer – Design the voice user interface, interaction model, and dialogs
  • QA tester – Rigorously test the skill to ensure functionality, robustness, and quality
  • Publisher – Manage publishing the skill and revisions in the Alexa Developer Console

Key responsibilities include:

  • Understanding Alexa features and best practices for skill design
  • Developing engaging voice user experiences through conversation design
  • Building robust skill architecture on AWS services like Lambda, DynamoDB
  • Writing code in Node.js, Python, Java, or C# to handle skill logic and AWS integrations
  • Implementing conversational interaction models, dialog management, and slot-filling
  • Testing skills thoroughly using techniques like unit testing, integration testing, regression testing
  • Troubleshooting errors and issues during development and post-publishing
  • Publishing skills and managing the skill lifecycle in the developer console

Why Get AWS Certified as an Alexa Skill Builder?

Infographic AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Salary

Here are some of the major benefits of getting AWS certified as an Alexa skill builder:

Validate Your Skills

The AWS Alexa Skill Builder certification validates your technical expertise in key skill-building areas like design, architecture, development, testing, and publishing. Passing this exam demonstrates you have the required knowledge and skills to build robust voice experiences on Alexa.

Advance Your Career

The certification provides industry recognition for your Alexa and cloud skills. This can help fast-track your career as a voice app developer and open up new job opportunities. Many employers now look for AWS certifications when hiring for voice developer roles.

Increase Your Earning Potential

Certified Alexa skill builders can potentially command higher salaries and earn more over the course of their careers. One survey found the average salary for certified skill builders in the US is $122,000. The certification can boost your earning potential.

Gain a Competitive Edge

With voice app development becoming mainstream, more developers are building skills for Alexa. Getting certified helps you stand out from other candidates and gain an edge when applying for Alexa developer jobs.

Expand Your Alexa Skills

Preparing for the exam requires you to gain expertise across the various aspects of skill building. This helps expand your overall Alexa development skills beyond just coding.

Exam Details and Format

Let’s look at the exam format and some key details about the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Specialty certification.

Exam Format

The AXS-C01 exam consists of 65 multiple-choice and multiple-response questions that have to be completed within 170 minutes. The exam is available in English and is offered at AWS testing centers globally. It can also be taken as an online proctored exam.

Knowledge Areas Covered

The exam covers the following major knowledge areas involved in building Alexa skills:

  • Voice design principles and best practices
  • Conversation design and voice user experience
  • Skill architecture on AWS services like Lambda, DynamoDB
  • Skill logic development with Node.js, Python, Java
  • Testing, validation, and troubleshooting of skills
  • Publishing skills and managing skill operations

Question Types

The exam includes three types of questions:

  • Multiple choice – Select one correct response
  • Multiple response – Select multiple correct responses
  • Case studies – Longer scenarios to evaluate skills

Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect.

Scoring and Results

A minimum of 750 points is required to pass. The test’s results are revealed instantly upon completion. Those who pass receive a certification badge and a certificate to showcase their certification status.


There are no mandatory prerequisites. However, AWS recommends having at least six months of hands-on experience building Alexa skills and proficiency in a programming language. Having published at least one Alexa skill can help prepare for the exam.

How to Prepare for the Exam

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Salary promotion

Here are some recommendations for preparing for the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder exam:

Study Alexa Documentation Thoroughly

Go through all the Alexa developer documentation, including guides on skill building, testing, certification, and publishing. Understand Alexa features, best practices, and guidelines.

Take Alexa Skill Building Courses

Take online courses focused on Alexa skill development like those offered by AWS Training or other providers like Udemy. Courses can fill in knowledge gaps.

Build Alexa Skills

Nothing beats hands-on experience. Building actual skills using technologies like AWS Lambda, handling skill publishing, and going through certification will prepare you for many aspects covered in the exam.

Use the Official Exam Readiness Guide

AWS provides an official exam readiness guide for the Alexa Skill Builder certification. Go through it to understand the knowledge areas covered in detail.

Take Practice Exams

Taking practice exams helps assess your current knowledge and identifies areas for further study. Time yourself to get used to the actual exam duration.

Read Relevant Blogs, Whitepapers and Guides

Read through relevant blogs, whitepapers, and guides published on the AWS website, Alexa developer blog, and other reputable sources to gain insights on skill building.

Join Relevant Communities

Participate in communities like AWS forums and Alexa developer communities to discuss key concepts and learn from others.

Career Opportunities and Salary Potential

Gaining the AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder certification opens up exciting career opportunities and salary potential:

Career Advancement

The certification helps fast-track your career as an Alexa developer. It provides industry recognition of your skills and expertise in building voice experiences on Alexa.

More Job Opportunities

Many companies hiring for Alexa developer roles now look for AWS certified skill builders. The certification helps open doors to new job opportunities.

Higher Salaries

Certified Alexa skill builders enjoy higher salaries compared to non-certified developers. According to one survey, the average salary of certified skill builders in the US is $122,000.

Contracting Opportunities

Freelancers and contractors with AWS Alexa skill builder certification have an advantage when applying for short-term contracting jobs to build Alexa skills.

Entry into Voice Specialist Roles

The well-rounded expertise gained through certification preparation opens doors to specialized voice design and product manager roles.

Start an Alexa Consultancy

Certified Alexa developers can start their own consultancy to help companies design, build, and publish custom skills, leveraging their certification status to market their services.

In summary, becoming an AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder can provide a big boost both to your Alexa development skills and to your career opportunities as a voice app developer. The time invested in getting certified is well worth it for the doors it opens for your future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need programming experience to take the exam?

There are no mandatory prerequisites, but AWS recommends having proficiency in at least one programming language and hands-on skill-building experience. This will help you better understand the development-related aspects covered in the exam.

What score do I need to pass the exam?

To earn your certification, you’ll need a score of 750 on the exam.

What are the costs associated with the certification?

The exam costs $300. There may be additional costs if you need to travel to a testing center. Online proctored exams can be taken from home.

How long is the certification valid for?

After earning your AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder badge, you’ll have bragging rights for three full years.

Is any training required to take the exam?

No mandatory training is required. AWS offers optional free digital courses on Alexa skill building to help prepare. There are also paid training options from AWS and third-party providers. But hands-on experience is the best preparation.

What happens if I don’t pass the exam?

If you don’t pass on your first attempt, you can register and retake the exam. If you don’t pass the test the first time, you’ll have to wait 14 days before trying again.

Do I need to recertify after 3 years?

Yes, you need to recertify after 3 years to maintain your certification status. You can do this by retaking the exam or taking approved professional-level AWS courses.


The AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder certification validates your skills in building robust voice-driven experiences on Alexa. It is an invaluable credential that can accelerate your career as an Alexa developer. The certification exam covers key skill-building topics ranging from conversation design to development, testing, and publishing.

AWS Certified Alexa Skill Builder Salary guarantee

While hands-on experience is the best preparation, you can supplement that with courses, practice tests, and other resources. Passing the exam demonstrates your expertise and opens doors to exciting Alexa developer job opportunities and higher salary potential. So, if you are looking to advance as an Alexa skill builder, AWS certification is definitely worth pursuing.

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