AWS Certified Sysops Administrator Associate Cost

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AWS Certified Sysops Administrator Associate Cost

Acquiring the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate certification can be a great way to advance your career as a cloud professional. However, the cost associated with AWS Certified Sysops Administrator Associate certification – such as exam fees, training courses, and study materials – can add up quickly. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide tips and strategies for obtaining this certification without breaking the bank.

An Overview of the SysOps Administrator Associate Certification

The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate credential verifies skills in deploying, managing, and operating workloads on the AWS platform. Candidates must demonstrate proficiency across six knowledge domains:

  • Monitoring and Metrics
  • High Availability
  • Deployment and Provisioning
  • Storage and Data Management
  • Security and Compliance
  • Networking and Content Delivery

To earn the certification, you must pass the SOA-C02 exam which consists of 65 multiple-choice and multiple-response questions. You’ll have 130 minutes to complete the exam and must achieve a minimum passing score of 720 out of 1,000.

While hands-on experience with AWS is recommended, there are no formal prerequisites for the SysOps Administrator Associate exam. However, a basic understanding of AWS services, Linux/Windows servers, networking, and system administration best practices will be helpful.

Estimating the Overall AWS Certified Sysops Administrator Associate Cost

So what can you expect to spend if you’re pursuing this certification on a budget? Here’s a breakdown of the typical expenses:

  • Exam Fee: $150
  • Training Course: $0 – $200
  • Practice Tests: $20 – $70
  • Total: Approximately $170 – $420

The exam fee itself costs $150. However, if you already hold an AWS certification like the Cloud Practitioner or Solutions Architect Associate, Get a voucher good for fifty percent off your next exam registration fee.

Self-paced online training courses and video tutorials can range from free options to paid courses costing over $200. We’ll highlight the best budget-friendly resources later in this guide.

Finally, practice exams from third-party providers generally cost between $20 to $70. While not strictly required, they can be tremendously valuable for gauging your readiness.

So realistically, you can expect to spend $170 to $420 out-of-pocket when pursuing this certification frugally. However, your employer may cover some or all of these costs, so be sure to check with your company about certification reimbursement programs.

Choosing a Training Option

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One of the biggest expenses when earning the SysOps Administrator Associate certification is the training. Comprehensive courses from vendors like Linux Academy or A Cloud Guru can cost over $200. While these platforms offer excellent content, cheaper alternatives are available.

Here are some budget-friendly training options to consider:

  • AWS Whitepapers: AWS publishes in-depth technical whitepapers covering all certification topics. These are completely free to access.
  • AWS Documentation: The official docs provide detailed explanations and walkthroughs for all key AWS services. Another free resource.
  • AWS Well-Architected Labs: These hands-on labs guide you through important concepts like security, reliability, and cost optimization. Free to complete.
  • Stephane Maarek’s Udemy Course: For $10-$20 when on sale, this highly-rated course offers 15+ hours of video lectures.
  • Linux Academy’s Visual Learner Pass: Grants 1 month of access to Linux Academy’s training library for $20.
  • AWS re/Start: This free 12-week program prepares individuals for an entry-level cloud role, including SysOps Administrator Associate certification.

The most cost-effective approach is to combine multiple low-cost resources rather than investing in a single expensive course. As an example, you could go through the AWS whitepapers, documentation, and hands-on labs to gain core knowledge and then supplement with Stephane Maarek’s Udemy videos.

Studying for the Exam

When preparing for the certification exam, focus your study time on high-value resources that align closely with the official exam guide. Here are some recommendations:

  • Thoroughly read the Exam Guide which outlines the content domains, knowledge/skills tested, and sample questions.
  • Review the list of In-Scope Services which includes all AWS products and features that may be covered.
  • Study the Well-Architected Framework whitepapers related to operational excellence, security, reliability, and cost optimization.
  • Sign-up for a free AWS account and get hands-on with core services like EC2, VPC, S3, CloudWatch, IAM, and CloudTrail.
  • Take the AWS Knowledge Center quizzes to assess your knowledge across key topics.
  • Review sample questions and explanations in the AWS Sample Exam Questions pdf.

Using free or low-cost resources for your exam preparation can save you money while still preparing you for success.

Practice Exams

AWS Certified Sysops Administrator Associate Cost guarantee

While practice tests involve an additional cost, they can be invaluable for identifying knowledge gaps to fine-tune your studying. Here are a few budget-friendly options:

  • Whizlabs: Offers a full-length practice exam for $20 and a more extensive set of 5 practice tests for $49. Questions closely match the actual exam format.
  • AWS Sample Questions: The free pdf from AWS provides 10 example questions covering each exam domain.
  • Neal Davis’ Udemy Course: In addition to video content, this $12 course includes a 50-question practice exam.
  • Jon Bonso Tests on Udemy: Each of his 6 practice tests costs $10.99 when on sale. Highly-rated for quality and difficulty.

Ideally, you should take a practice exam from a third-party provider in addition to reviewing the AWS sample questions. Focus on understanding the rationale behind correct and incorrect answers rather than simply memorizing.

Additional Exam Prep Tips

Here are a few more recommendations for passing the SysOps Administrator exam without blowing your budget:

  • Use Discount Vouchers: If you already hold an AWS certification, make sure to register for your exam using a 50% discount voucher.
  • Choose the Online Proctored Option: Opting for the online proctored exam at home saves you the cost of traveling to a test center.
  • Start a Study Group: Studying with others is a great way to stay motivated while sharing resources and knowledge.
  • Attend AWS Events: Look for free local AWS meetups and seminars for opportunities to network and learn.
  • Follow Blogs and Forums: Stay on top of new AWS features and services by following sites like r/AWSCertifications on Reddit.
  • Take Advantage of Free Tier: Get hands-on practice with core AWS services using the free tier so you don’t incur any usage costs.

With smart planning, you can achieve AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate certification without overspending. Evaluate your experience level and build a prep strategy using the most relevant, cost-effective resources. Consistent studying over several weeks is key to exam success.

Recertification Requirements

Once you earn your SysOps Administrator Associate certification, you may be wondering what’s required to maintain it.

After three years from the date of your exam, your certification will expire. To recertify, you have a few options:

  • Retake and pass the SOA-C02 exam to extend your certification another 3 years
  • Pass any higher-level AWS certification exam, such as Solutions Architect Professional
  • Earn 120 recertification credits through qualifying AWS events, training courses, and community contributions.

The recertification credits offer the most budget-friendly path. You can easily accumulate credits over 3 years by attending free AWS summits and webinars, completing self-paced labs and skillbuilder modules, writing AWS blog posts, and more.

Plan ahead to leverage these opportunities for keeping your certification current. Review the detailed recertification guide to understand requirements.

Is the Investment Worthwhile?

AWS Certified Sysops Administrator Associate Cost Infographic

At the end of the day, you’re probably wondering if pursuing the SysOps Administrator Associate certification is worth the investment.

PayScale reports that an AWS-certified IT worker may expect an annual compensation of $125,591. Numerous studies show that IT pros with AWS certifications earn higher salaries than those without.

Beyond the financial upside, this certification can benefit your career in other ways:

  • Validates your cloud operations skills to employers
  • Prepares you for an AWS cloud role by building hands-on experience
  • Boosts your confidence and credibility as a technical leader
  • Opens up new career opportunities and advancement potential

Earning AWS certifications requires dedication but pays dividends in terms of job prospects, salary, and career growth. With some strategic planning, you can achieve certification cost-effectively.


Even on a tight budget, you may study for and pass the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam. Expect to invest around $170-$420 when including the aws certified sysops administrator associate cost for the exam fee, training, and practice tests.

Reduce costs by using free AWS resources for learning and supplementing with budget-friendly courses. Focus your study time on official AWS exam prep materials. Take practice tests to identify knowledge gaps before your exam date.

While requiring effort, this certification can strengthen your resume and enhance your earning potential. With smart preparation using the right resources, you can earn this certification without breaking the bank!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dennis Earhart I am an IT expert with over 10 years of experience in the IT industry. As an affiliate marketer, I share exam questions and study guides for major IT vendors including Dell, HP, Microsoft, Amazon and more. My goal is to help IT professionals advance their careers by providing the resources they need to gain certifications from top tech companies.



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