The Benefits of C++ Certification for Programmers

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In the fast-paced world of software development, standing out from the crowd is key to advancing your career. One way to showcase your skills is by obtaining a certification in C++, a powerful programming language used across many industries.

C++ certification demonstrates your expertise in this versatile language to employers. It can enhance your resume, lead to promotions and salary increases, and qualify you for more advanced programming roles. This article explores the major benefits of getting certified in C++ and how to choose the right certification path.

Introduction to C++ Certification

C++ is an extremely popular programming language ideal for developing complex, high-performance applications. It is used in fields like gaming, financial trading, embedded devices, and scientific computing.

C++ certification measures and formally validates your skills in using this language. It is issued by authorized organizations after passing one or more standardized exams testing your knowledge of C++ syntax, data structures, algorithms and other key concepts.

Let’s look at why C++ skills certification is valued and how it can give your programming career a boost.

A. Importance of C++ In Software Industry

The software industry relies heavily on C++ for building everything from operating systems and databases to video games and mobile apps. Certified C++ programmers are always in high demand across various technology sectors.

Some major reasons for the enduring popularity of C++ include:

  • Speed and efficiency: C++ code runs very fast and gives developers fine-grained control over hardware resources. This makes it suitable for performance-critical applications.
  • Cross-platform support: C++ code can be compiled to run on different hardware architectures and operating systems. This portability is very useful.
  • Backward compatibility: Unlike other languages, new versions of C++ standards retain compatibility with older code. This protects engineering investments.
  • Language evolution: C++ continues to evolve by incorporating modern programming styles and techniques while retaining its core focus on high performance.

B. Why Get Certified In C++

Here are some of the top benefits of obtaining C++ certification:

  • Prove your skill level to employers
  • Qualify for C++ programming jobs
  • Get hired faster with an edge over non-certified developers
  • Earn promotions more quickly
  • Gain confidence in tackling complex assignments
  • Command better salary and bonuses
  • Expand career prospects in leading technology companies
  • Obtain industry recognition from a respected organization
  • Display up-to-date capabilities as per latest C++ standards

In short, certification in C++ serves as a career accelerator for programmers. Next, let’s examine the different credential options available.

Types of C++ Certification

Many IT certifications recognize C++ skills – from beginner to expert level. Here are some of the major C++ specific certification programs:

A. C++ Institute Certifications

The C++ Institute offers respected professional credentials focused exclusively on C++.

Popular options include:

  • Certified Associate C++ Programmer (CPA): Tests core language basics, syntax, building applications. Entry-level certification.
  • Certified Professional C++ Programmer (CPP): Validates advanced C++ skills for building complex software.
  • C++ Foundation Level: Assesses knowledge of object oriented concepts and STL fundamentals.

B. Vendor Neutral Certifications

Several vendor-neutral certifications also cover C++ syllabus:

  • AWS Certified Developer C++: Tests ability to develop AWS apps using C++ APIs.
  • Microsoft Certified C++ Developer: Focuses on writing C++ software on MS development platforms.
  • Oracle Certified Professional C++ Developer: Validates skills in using C++ with Oracle technologies.

C. Role-based Certifications

Some other certificates demonstrate C++ competency expected for specific programming roles:

  • Unity Certified Programmer: Game developers proficient in C++ can obtain this credential.
  • Certified Embedded Systems Developer: Key skills include C++ knowledge for system programming.

So which credential is best for you? It depends on your experience level and career direction – an expert game engine programmer may pick the Unity certification for instance.

Next, let’s review the tangible and intangible benefits you can realize from C++ skills validation.

Benefits of C++ Certification

Investing time and effort into getting C++ certified leads to many advantages that amplify over your career lifespan.

A. Enhanced Career Opportunities

Arguably, the biggest incentive to earn reputed technology credentials is to be eligible for better jobs and career growth.

1. Getting Hired

Certified C++ developers are highly valued and sought after by tech recruiters. A recognized C++ certificate on your resume can get you selected for coveted interviews.

It signals to employers that you possess standard-based skills beyond just academic knowledge. This gives you a competitive edge over other candidates.

2. Earning Promotions

Once hired, certification holders tend to advance faster through the software engineering ranks via promotions.

Companies reward employees who achieve credentials with leadership roles, increased responsibilities and bonuses.

3. Salary Increases

Several market surveys of IT professionals have correlated certifications with higher salaries.

On average, certified developers earn 20% or more compared to their non-certified peers. The pay hike can be as high as 40% for multiple credentials.

Over a typical 30-40 year career, the compound earnings effect of even 20% incremental salary can be substantial.

In short, C++ certification delivers powerful financial incentives via recruitment channels and internal promotions.

B. Validation of Skills and Knowledge

Earning C++ credentials requires demonstrating applied skills by passing rigorous exams.

Certification provides an independent stamp of approval that you possess standardized and up-to-date C++ expertise suitable for the industry.

This validation is more meaningful than just claiming knowledge based on academic degrees or work experience.

Recertification also requires keeping your skills current by re-qualifying after a few years. This ensures you stay relevant in a dynamically changing technology.

C. Career Growth and Visibility

Once you are certified, many additional benefits continue over the long term:

  • Exposure to best coding practices used in the industry
  • Recognition as a C++ expert from peers and technology partners
  • Confidence to lead complex programming projects using C++
  • Eligibility for specialist and niche C++ programming roles
  • Enhanced personal brand as a certified C++ practitioner
  • Opportunities to publish articles or speak at conferences
  • Scope to mentor and coach new programmers in C++

These factors accelerate your professional development and visibility amongst industry practitioners.

In the next section, we highlight the diverse industry domains recognizing C++ certified programmers.

Industry Recognition and Opportunities

The software industry is massive, with hundreds of niche specializations. C++ skills are utilized across many segments beyond just operating system and application development.

Here is a sample of domains and companies seeking C++ certified talent:

Industry Applications
Gaming Game engines, physics simulation, 3D graphics, VR
Finance Algorithmic trading systems, risk analytics
Telecom Embedded systems, network infrastructure
Automotive Self-driving technology stacks
Robotics Computer vision, motion control firmware
Government Defense systems, scientific computing

Some major companies hiring C++ talent include:

  • Microsoft
  • Oracle
  • Nvidia
  • Qualcomm
  • Epic Games
  • EA Sports
  • Bloomberg
  • Intel

Having C++ credentials on your resume can open up programming career options in these high-growth sectors.

Next, let’s look at a couple of sought after C++ certification for newer and seasoned developers.

In-Depth Look at Specific Certifications

While there are many C++ certification, two of the most popular professional credentials are the CPA and CPP from the C++ Institute.

Let’s examine them in more detail for programmers aspiring to get certified.

A. Certified Associate C++ Programmer (CPA)

The CPA targets programmers starting out to become professional software engineers using C++.

It covers fundamentals like:

  • Syntax, data types and operators
  • Functions, arrays, strings
  • Pointers, references, memory
  • Flow control, exceptions
  • Classes and objects
  • Basic inheritance and polymorphism

You need to pass a 55 question multiple choice exam within 2 hours taken at authorized Pearson VUE test centers. The CPA certification is a good foundation before attempting advanced credentials.

B. Certified Professional Programmer (CPP)

The CPP level builds further C++ depth by testing on:

  • Advanced OOP techniques
  • STL libraries
  • Concurrency programming
  • Application debugging
  • Performance optimization
  • Best practices

This certification is meant for engineers with some experience in building production software using C++.

You need to pass a 95 question exam at Pearson VUE in under 3 hours. The credential is highly regarded in the industry.

Before registering for certification exams, it is instructive to hear viewpoints from experts.

Expert Insights and Opinions

Industry veterans have shared their perspectives on the career benefits of C++ certification over traditional computer science degrees or self-study.

According to Robert Martin, renowned software consultant:

“University CS programs don’t provide the realistic hands-on training that programmers need. C++ certification test practical skills required to actually write code on the job.”

Mike Gold, senior manager at Microsoft states:

“We look for C++ certified developers because they are familiar with real-world programming tradeoffs, not just textbook concepts. Their skills are validated against industry benchmarks – certification definitively sets candidates apart.”

Kathy Sierra, CEO of a startup says:

“Our products have a C++ codebase optimized for high performance. When interviewing programmers, C++ certificates tell me quickly whether they have the depth of knowledge we need.”

Therefore, while computer science degrees focus on theoretical foundations, certifications demonstrate applied skills. Having both academic CS grounding plus C++ credentials is an unbeatable combination.

How to Choose the Right Certification

With technology evolving rapidly, how do you pick the best C++ qualification?

Consider the following key aspects:

A. Experience Level

Are you a beginner or mid-level programmer seeking to break into a C++ coding career? Or a seasoned expert looking to upgrade credentials?

Entry certifications like CPA build basic competence, while advanced credentials like CPP validate specialized expertise.

B. Domain Relevance

What industry you want to work in? For instance, game engine development has different skill requirements than financial trading systems.

Certifications aligned to your target domain demonstrate directly applicable capabilities.

C. Exam Scope

Compare exam coverage across certificates to see which one tests skills relevant to your desired job role.

For example, the Unity C++ exam focuses on skills needed for game programming.

D. Credential Reputation

See whether a certification is developed by expert C++ practitioners and recognized by employers. Well-regarded credentials provide maximum career benefits.

In summary, align your certification plans with your current skill level, industry segment, dream job role and long term goals.

Real-World Applications

It’s instructive to hear first-hand experiences from programmers who have realized tangible career growth from C++ certification.

John, a college graduate looking to get into game development shares:

“I had good grades but couldn’t land a job interview with major game studios. After getting Unity Certified, I was recruited by an indie studio as a junior C++ developer. Certification helped me switch careers to my dream industry!”

Lisa, a mid-career software engineer says:

“I was stuck in the same job level for years despite having good expertise. My CPP certification fast tracked my promotion to Lead Architect with a 40% pay increase when I changed jobs last year!”

Mark, an IT consultant for startups explains:

“Most developers I meet have gaps in their C++ knowledge. After reviewing exam syllabuses, I got AWS and C++ Institute certified. This led to contracts with hot startups looking for AWS cloud developers with C++ skills.”

There are many such real-world stories of programmers who have advanced their careers using C++ certification to showcase hands-on skills.


C++ certification continues its dominance as the development language of choice for performance-critical software across domains like cloud, IoT, AI/ML, gaming and finance. As technology shifts to intelligent edge devices and apps, C++ will become even more widespread.

In this backdrop, certified C++ skills are a passport to thrive in a programming career for decades. The right credentials validate your expertise against industry benchmarks – helping you get hired and promoted faster at leading technology companies.

So whether just starting out or a seasoned expert, consider supplementing your degree or experience with recognized C++ certificates. The professional dividends can be substantial even from foundational certifications like the CPA.

The effort to prepare for certification exams equips you with transportable skills to build mission-critical software across devices and platforms. Having credentials also keeps you motivated to continuously upgrade your capabilities.

So invest time into getting certified in C++ – it builds concrete skills and provides career traction for decades to come in this enduring software development language.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dennis Earhart I am an IT expert with over 10 years of experience in the IT industry. As an affiliate marketer, I share exam questions and study guides for major IT vendors including Dell, HP, Microsoft, Amazon and more. My goal is to help IT professionals advance their careers by providing the resources they need to gain certifications from top tech companies.


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