Adobe Real-Time CDP

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Dec 31

Unlock the Power of Real-Time Customer Data with a CDP

A real-time Customer Data Platform (CDP) is revolutionizing marketing by unifying customer data and powering hyper-personalization. Real-time CDPs ingest first-party data from all sources and create a persistent, unified customer profile that is updated in real-time as the customer interacts with your brand. Why You Need a Real-Time CDP Legacy systems like CRMs and DMPs […]
Dec 31

Unlocking the Power of Customer Data Platforms

Customer data platforms (CDPs) have become a critical component of modern marketing stacks. As consumers engage across more channels and devices, CDPs help businesses achieve a unified, 360-degree customer view. According to recent research, over 75% of enterprise businesses have implemented a CDP or plan to within the next year. What is a Customer Data […]
Dec 31

Unified Customer Profiles: The Key to Personalization and CX Success

Unified customer profiles (UCPs) are revolutionizing the way brands connect with consumers. By consolidating data from across channels and systems, unified profiles create that crucial 360-degree view of each customer. This powers hyper-personalization and consistently stellar customer experiences. Why Unified Profiles Matter Historically brands have struggled with data living in departmental silos. Marketing automation houses […]