PrepAre4test provides the latest exam dumps for the customers who are interested in the IT Certification exams. The exam material includes actual questions and answers related to exam and is prepared by the IT experts to ensure the success of the user. We offer our clients to watch the demo first and then purchase our product if they feel satisfied. The demo is absolutely free of cost.
The exam material provided by PrepAre4test is authentic, up to date and verified by the IT experts and professionals. The questions and answers are related to real exams and ensure the success of the user in very first attempt. If the user does not pass the exam in the first attempt by using our exam dumps then we will send the full payment back to the user without any question or send you study material of other exam as per your requirements, but it is not possible to get fail in exam by preparing with our dumps. Rest assured, the guarantee is offered to build the trust among users; our products are 100% useful and reliable.
If the user commits some mistakes such as not attempting the exam, then the user will be responsible for this. We obviously cannot be held responsible in such cases. Therefore, to avoid the fraudulent refund claims and to serve perfectly to our loyal client we have made a policy in this regard which we would like to share for your own benefits.

If user fails in certification exam then the purchase payment of the product will be sent back to the user after verification process. It requires a procedure. PrepAre4test has made the “Payment Refund Procedure”. Payment refund procedure is a simple and requires some of your information.
You would have to send us:
- A scanned copy of your “Enrollment Slip” of the certification exam you attempted. We need to know that when did you register for the exam.
- A scanned copy of the result or score report.
- Order number of product purchased from us.
- Name and Payment method.
For refund please e-mail us on this email id:
To make refunds verification and process fast, please make a short video recording the following steps and send us:
- login to your exam portal, VUE or vendor site.
- click on exam result link.
- download the result file and also record the result in video.