Refund Policy

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If the user commits some mistakes such as not attempting the exam, then the user will be responsible for this. We obviously cannot be held responsible in such cases. Therefore, to avoid the fraudulent refund claims and to serve perfectly to our loyal client we have made a policy in this regard which we would like to share for your own benefits.

We are selling dumps, which means “Only Exam Questions” that we’ve attempted in real exam and that’s the main thing we are selling. Answers are additional addon that are given as an extra option to facilitate our clients.


Refund is Only Favorable feature from

  • Candidate prepared with our dumps for exam and spent at least 2 weeks in preparation.
  • Candidate attempted the exam and did not skip that for any personal reason.
  • Candidate purchased the product in the last 90 days.
  • We own the right to refuse the refund if our team feels the refund should not be processed for any reason.

Refunds Not Applicable

  • We refund only if your result is below 70%. If candidate fails with just 10% or 20% we don’t refund. Because, if question came from the dumps and candidate do not answer correctly for any reason, then we are not the reason of being failed.
  • Wrong purchase: We do not entertain any refund claim for wrong purchased items when the item is downloaded after purchase.
  • Promotional/Special Discounted products are not valid for refunds.
  • Few wrong answers/spelling mistake could not be the reason for refund.
  • Customer directly open dispute with payment gateway without informing any problem in product.
  • Retired Exam (for the clients who used our current product for the expired exam)

Payment Refund Procedure – Fast 1 Day Refund

If user fails in certification exam then the purchase payment of the product will be sent back to the user after verification process. It requires a procedure. PrepAre4test has made the “Payment Refund Procedure”. Payment refund procedure is a simple and requires some of your information.

You would have to send us:

  • A scanned copy of your “Enrollment Slip” of the certification exam you attempted. We need to know that when did you register for the exam.
  • A scanned copy of the result or score report.
  • Order number of product purchased from us.
  • Name and Payment method.

For refund please e-mail us on this email id:
To make refunds verification and process fast, please make a short video recording the following steps and send us:

  1. login to your exam portal, VUE or vendor site.
  2. click on exam result link.
  3. download the result file and also record the result in video.