Understanding Key Concepts for the SC900 Exam

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The SC900 Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals certification exam tests your knowledge of core concepts related to Microsoft security, compliance, and identity solutions. Passing this exam helps demonstrate your ability to describe basic security methodologies, data handling processes, and the capabilities of Microsoft solutions across these areas.

Preparing thoroughly for the SC900 exam is key to ensure you understand the objectives and topics tested. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the key concepts you need to understand, mapped to the exam objectives and outlines. Read on for insights and tips to help you learn about security, compliance and identity fundamentals, and certification preparation best practices.

Introduction to the SC900 Exam

The SC-900 exam is intended to validate that candidates can demonstrate foundational knowledge related to:

  • Concepts of security, compliance and identity – Understanding methodologies like the shared responsibility model, defense in depth, Zero Trust model as well as encryption and hashing.
  • Capabilities of Microsoft identity and access management solutions – Solutions like Azure Active Directory, identity protection and governance.
  • Capabilities of Microsoft security solutions – Solutions like Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Sentinel.
  • Capabilities of Microsoft compliance solutions – Solutions like Microsoft Purview and Power BI data protection.

While there are no formal prerequisites for the exam, some basic understanding of core security concepts and Microsoft’s cloud services would be beneficial preparation.

Some key facts about the SC900 certification exam:

  • Exam length: 85-100 minutes
  • Question types: Multiple choice and drag and drop
  • Number of questions: 30-35
  • Passing score: 700 out of 1000

Understanding the detailed exam objectives and building knowledge across all the topics tested is critical for success. Using online learning platforms like Microsoft Learn in combination with hands-on experience can help cement these concepts.

Understanding Concepts of Security, Compliance and Identity

The first section of the exam evaluates your knowledge across some foundational concepts related to security, compliance and identity.

The Shared Responsibility Model

The shared responsibility model outlines the aspects of security and compliance that cloud providers like Microsoft and the customer are respectively responsible for.

Microsoft’s responsibilities include:

  • Physical infrastructure/data center security
  • Network controls
  • Base OS/platform
  • Identity and access management

The customer’s responsibilities include:

  • Data security
  • Endpoints and client OS
  • Account configuration
  • Identity lifecycle management
  • End-to-end encryption

Clearly understanding this split of control is key when planning cloud security and compliance.

Defense in Depth

The principle of defense in depth involves employing multiple layers of security to protect information and assets. This aims to provide redundancy in the event one layer fails or is compromised.

Layers in this model may include:

  • Physical security – Locks, surveillance etc.
  • Network security – Firewalls, gateways, segmentation
  • Host security – Antivirus, encryption
  • Application security – Authentication, authorization

Adopting a defense in depth approach is important for robust security across cloud environments.

Zero Trust Model

The Zero Trust model is centered on the concept of maintaining strict access controls and not trusting any users or systems by default, regardless of whether they are inside or outside the network perimeter.

Key principles of Zero Trust include:

  • Verify explicitly
  • Use least privileged access
  • Assume breach

Microsoft Azure provides capabilities to help organizations adopt a Zero Trust approach with solutions like Azure Active Directory conditional access policies.

Encryption and Hashing

Encryption and hashing help protect the confidentiality and integrity of data both at rest and in transit.

It transforms plain text into cipher text using algorithms and keys. Common encryption protocols include AES, RSA, TLS/SSL.

Hashing generates a unique fixed-length signature of the input data. Hashing is used to verify data integrity and commonly in password storage.

Capabilities of Microsoft Identity and Access Management Solutions

The next section of the SC900 exam tests your understanding of Microsoft’s identity and access management solutions.

Microsoft Solutions Overview

Microsoft provides a robust set of capabilities for managing identities and access including:

  • Azure Active Directory – Cloud-based identity and access management service
  • Azure AD Identity Protection – Risk-based conditional access policies
  • Azure AD Privileged Identity Management – Just-in-time privileged access

These solutions help organizations manage user access permissions while protecting credentials and data.

Table 1 provides a comparison of key capabilities across these solutions:

Solution Key Capabilities
Azure AD Centralized identity management, single sign-on, multi-factor authentication
Identity Protection Risk-based conditional access, risk detections and mitigations
Privileged Identity Management Time-bound role elevation, just-in-time access reviews

Mapping to the Exam

In the context of the SC900 exam, you should understand:

  • Key components and use cases – What does the solution offer? What does it help accomplish?
  • How the capabilities map to security and compliance concepts – e.g. supporting Zero Trust, least privilege access, risk reduction

Focus on the fundamentals rather than technical configuration details for the exam.

Capabilities of Microsoft Security Solutions

You’ll also be tested on your grasp of Microsoft’s security solutions like Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Sentinel SIEM.

Microsoft 365 Defender

Microsoft 365 Defender provides integrated threat protection for identities, endpoints, cloud apps, email and documents across Microsoft 365. Capabilities include:

  • Multi-layered threat detection
  • Automated investigation and response
  • Centralized security management

It helps organizations defend against sophisticated attacks like phishing campaigns, identity theft and ransomware.

Microsoft Sentinel

Microsoft Sentinel is Microsoft’s cloud-native SIEM (security information and event management) solution. It enables security analytics and threat intelligence across an organization’s entire infrastructure.

Key capabilities include:

  • Log aggregation
  • Correlation of events
  • Threat detection
  • Incident investigation

Microsoft Sentinel integrates with Microsoft solutions and third party sources.

Mapping to the Exam

For the exam, be clear on:

  • The offerings and their purpose
  • How the capabilities help enhance security and compliance
  • Integration and automation capabilities across Microsoft’s product portfolio

Hands-on experience with solutions like Microsoft 365 Defender can help reinforce these concepts.

Capabilities of Microsoft Compliance Solutions

The final section evaluates your grasp of Microsoft’s compliance solutions and offerings.

Microsoft Purview

Microsoft Purview helps organizations manage and govern data to meet compliance needs. Capabilities include:

  • Data discovery, classification and mapping
  • Data lifecycle management
  • Data security and access auditing
  • Compliance center for assessments

It provides organization-wide visibility and control over regulated and sensitive data.

Power BI Data Protection

Power BI data protection capabilities help secure data accessed and shared via Power BI reports and dashboards. This includes:

  • Row level security (RLS)
  • Object level security (OLS)
  • Dynamic data masking
  • Data loss prevention (DLP) policies

These mitigate compliance risks from unauthorized data access in Power BI.

Mapping to the Exam

Focus on understanding:

  • The Microsoft compliance solutions and their purpose
  • How the capabilities help enforce compliance requirements
  • Integration with Microsoft security solutions to enable end-to-end compliance

Exam Preparation Strategies

With the key topics covered, let’s switch gears to proven techniques for sc900 exam readiness.

Understand Exam Objectives

First, intimately understand exam objectives and the relative weightings of each. Identify weaker domains to focus study efforts.

For the SC-900, the three main areas are:

  1. Describe concepts of security, compliance and identity (15%)
  2. Understand capabilities of Microsoft identity and access management solutions (40%)
  3. Understand capabilities of Microsoft security and compliance solutions (45%)

Categorize your review into these buckets.

Utilize Microsoft Learn

The official Microsoft Learn platform contains free modules that align to all objectives. Leverage these materials first for foundational knowledge.

Hands-on walkthroughs demonstrate functionality live instead of just conceptual descriptions.

Take Practice Tests

Practice tests are invaluable for validating your grasp of key concepts. Time yourself stringently like real exam conditions.

Review missed questions in-depth to cement understanding. Repeat until scoring 90% or higher consistently.

Read Supplemental Materials

Official Microsoft materials are awesome but relatively concise. Supplement with blogs, guides and community posts to see concepts explained alternatively.

Diversity of explanations can really solidify comprehension.

Supplemental Resources

In addition to the official Microsoft Learn resources, there are a variety of supplemental materials that can further help with your SC-900 exam preparation:

John Savill’s Training Videos

John Savill, a Microsoft MVP, has created an excellent YouTube video training series that covers all the SC900 exam objectives. Watching these videos can reinforce your understanding.

Thomas Maurer’s Study Guide

Thomas Maurer has compiled a comprehensive SC-900 study guide that includes his exam tips, recommended resources, and exam registration links. Review for additional perspectives.

Hands-on Sandboxes

Leverage Microsoft sandbox environments to gain hands-on experience with solutions like Microsoft Sentinel. This cements theoretical knowledge.

Final Tips for Exam Day

Here are some final recommendations for exam day:

  • Arrive early at the test center to get settled in
  • Use the bathroom beforehand so you can focus without breaks
  • Read questions thoroughly and eliminate incorrect answers
  • Flag questions to come back to if unsure or short on time
  • Stay calm and trust your preparation

With diligent preparation using the study resources outlined above, you’ll be well positioned to pass the SC-900 exam!


The SC900 exam tests your knowledge across core security, identity, compliance concepts as well as Microsoft solutions capabilities. Comprehensive preparation encompassing all sections of the exam blueprint is key to achieve the passing score.

Use online learning platforms combined with hands-on setup and testing to cement your grasp of the objectives. Evaluate your progress with practice tests. With diligent effort focused on the key topics covered here, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a certified Microsoft Security, Compliance and Identity Fundamentals professional!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dennis Earhart I am an IT expert with over 10 years of experience in the IT industry. As an affiliate marketer, I share exam questions and study guides for major IT vendors including Dell, HP, Microsoft, Amazon and more. My goal is to help IT professionals advance their careers by providing the resources they need to gain certifications from top tech companies.



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