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SCP 500 – The SCP Foundation

scp 500

SCP 500

SCP-500 is an anomalous object classified by the SCP Foundation as Safe. It appears as a small plastic can which contains a varying number of red pills. When ingested, these red pills exhibit unique curative and healing properties, able to rapidly cure the subject of most diseases, ailments, and injuries.

Due to these extraordinary capabilities, SCP-500 has been dubbed “Panacea” by Foundation researchers. It represents a highly valuable medical anomaly which, if properly utilized, could function as a universal cure-all for numerous afflictions that currently lack reliable treatments or cures. Strict containment procedures and protocols govern access to and use of this remarkable object. If you want to more about these exams and certs we hava more.

What is SCP-500?

Topic Key Takeaways
Writing SCP Articles
  • Narrative driven articles can be as short as 500 words
  • Point of view is usually that of a Foundation personnel
  • Logs should contribute substance and not just verisimilitude
  • Symbolism helps add meaning but can’t replace execution
  • Articles have fuse, explosive, casing structure to hook readers
Flash Fiction Format
  • At most 1000 words
  • Balance brevity and depth
  • Structure has exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
  • Use symbolism judiciously
Effective Logs
  • Formats that tabulate information or present narratives
  • Help characterize and provide reasons to care
  • Set tone and environment for the narrative
  • Central unifying concepts like love, power, etc.
  • Help focus the narrative and provide cohesion
  • Muscle and tendons to the plot’s skeleton

SCP-500 resembles an ordinary small plastic pill bottle with a screw-on cap. Printed on the label is the text “SCP-500” along with the slogan “Spring Blossom Medical Corporation” and the phrase “For medical use only. Shake well before using. Do not use if seal is broken.” The bottle contains between 19 and 26 red pills at any given time, with removed pills replenishing themselves seemingly spontaneously over a variable period.

Secure Containment Procedures mandate storage of SCP-500 inside a Class III humanoid containment locker at Bio-Research Area-12. Access requires Level 4 security clearance or written permission from two personnel with Level 4 clearance or higher. A log tracking SCP-500’s use must be maintained by SCP personnel.

Requests and Experiments

Request/Experiment Details
Request to use SCP-500 to cure Site-45 disease outbreak Request 500-1774-k to use SCP-500 to contain an outbreak of an unspecified disease at Site-45. Outcome unknown.
Request to heal injured Agent with SCP-500 Request 500-1862-b to use SCP-500 to heal Agent ████ who lost multiple limbs containing a Euclid-class anomaly. Outcome unknown.
Request to counteract memetic kill agent Request 500-2354-f to use SCP-500 to counteract a memetic kill agent released at Site-15. Outcome unknown.
Request to cure O5 leader’s cancer Request 500-5667-e to use SCP-500 to cure O5-11 of stomach cancer. Outcome unknown.
Dr. Klein’s SCP-500 + SCP-038 experiment Combined SCP-500 with SCP-038 to try exponentially increasing number of pills through cloning. Failed – cloned pills lacked anomalies.
Dr. Gears’ SCP-500 + SCP-914 experiment Ran SCP-500 through SCP-914 on “Very Fine” setting to try distilling curative component. Failed – refined pills lost efficacy.

Due to its unique properties, SCP-500 is highly sought-after for testing and medical applications. Notable requests include Request 500-1774-k to cure an outbreak of ██ disease at Site-45, Request 500-1862-b to heal Agent ████ who lost multiple limbs containing a Euclid-class anomaly, Request 500-2354-f to counteract a memetic kill agent released at Site-15, and Request 500-5667-e to cure O5-11 of stomach cancer.

Experiments have aimed to understand SCP-500’s origins, active ingredients, and mechanisms, often pairing it with other anomalies. Dr. Klein combined SCP-500 with SCP-038 in an attempt to exponentially increase the number of pills through cloning. However, pills produced via SCP-038 did not demonstrate healing properties, suggesting they lacked SCP-500’s core anomalous attributes.

Dr. Gears ran SCP-500 through SCP-914 on the “Very Fine” setting hoping to distill and isolate its curative component. While an inordinate amount processed out, refined pills lost efficacy, implying a synergistic interaction of ingredients is required for functionality.

SCP-500’s Healing Capabilities

Aspect Details
Scope of Impact
  • Cures most diseases rapidly
  • Heals severe injuries
  • Regenerates organs and limbs
  • Counters anomalous illnesses
  • Ameliorates genetic conditions
  • Does not cure SCP-011-01 past Stage 3
  • No immunity against future reinfection
  • Does not strengthen baseline physiology
  • Cannot revive deceased subjects
Dosage Required
  • 1-3 pills for typical afflictions
  • Higher doses needed for anomalous diseases
  • Entire reserves sometimes necessary
Mechanism of Action
  • Accelerates natural healing processes
  • Does not induce true regeneration
  • Synergistic interaction of ingredients

SCP-500 demonstrates an astounding ability to rapidly cure most diseases and heal severe injuries. Confirmed cases include regenerating nearly half a subject’s liver within 36 hours, restoring vision to subjects blinded by cataracts or SCP-427, regrowing amputated limbs over several days, and providing total disease remission in patients with advanced cancers.

It has cured dangerous anomalous illnesses including SCP-008, SCP-409, and the unidentified disease from SCP-253. Even genetic conditions like progeria and Werner syndrome are ameliorated. The one disease SCP-500 cannot cure is the progression of SCP-011-01 instances past Stage 3.

SCP-500 pills convey no immunity against future reinfection and do not strengthen baseline human physiology. Effects represent an acceleration of natural healing processes rather than inducing true regeneration. Additionally, pills cannot revive subjects already deceased or suffering from extreme trauma incompatible with life.

Each pill appears potent enough to cure one individual of most afflictions, with typical doses using between 1-3 pills depending on the severity of illness or injury. However, anomalous diseases often require higher doses, with some instances demanding entire reserves to provide treatment.

Topic Key Takeaways
Video Games
  • Featured prominently in SCP: Containment Breach
  • Players can use it to heal injuries and illnesses
  • Creates tense gameplay around securing and preserving limited supply
Online Discussions
  • Debate around appropriate oversight policies and usage procedures
  • Ethical considerations regarding distribution and access
  • Interest in understanding origins and containment protocols
Alternate Interpretations
  • SCP-500-EX explores suppression of illegal synthesis attempts
  • SCP-500-J humorously suggests no anomalous properties
  • Highlights continued intrigue around object

As one of the Foundation’s most famous anomalies, SCP-500 enjoys significant representation in popular culture. It features prominently in video games like “SCP – Containment Breach” where players can use SCP-500 to heal. Online discussions feature extensive debate around ethics, security considerations, and usage procedures surrounding the object.

Several alternate interpretations have also emerged. SCP-500-EX documents the Foundation’s efforts to suppress a mainstream pharmaceutical company illegally synthesizing SCP-500, while SCP-500-J humorously suggests it possesses no actual anomalous properties and heals through the emotional response elicited after consuming a placebo.

Case Studies and Ethical Considerations

Research/Case Study Key Points
Ledermann Commission Report
  • Assessed occult texts for info on “Old Ones” like SCP-5004-A
  • Found it originated from realm “Suspira” of lesser demons
  • Transported by Charles Hughes to aid 1916 campaign
  • Hughes later trapped it in a higher dimension cocoon
Investigation by Dr. Katherine Sinclair
  • Study of occult texts from early 1900s
  • Part of effort for proactive anomaly discovery/containment
  • Led to discovery of SCP-5004-B’s containment abilities
Summoning by Charles Hughes
  • Intended to aid Hughes’ 1916 campaign vs Woodrow Wilson
  • Failed initially as SCP-5004-A was too weak
  • Later altered ritual, leaving SCP-5004-A to sleep 100 years
Containment Under Protocol 115-ASHE
  • SCP-5004-B contains SCP-5004-A under this protocol
  • Expected to dissipate on January 20, 2021 at 12PM EST
  • No other containment needed due to SCP-5004-B’s effect

Experiment 217 demonstrated SCP-500’s utility in developing radical new treatment methods for challenging illnesses. 5 terminally ill Class D personnel displayed total remission even when given single pills rather than the usual full courses of treatment. However, all eventually relapsed, suggesting permanent cures may require higher dosages still being conserved by the Foundation.

Incident 500-1250 raised serious ethical questions when a security breach resulted in the death of 35 personnel after a limited supply of SCP-500 reserved for medical staff was looted by panicked survivors. Some argue greater leniency in distribution could mitigate loss of life during catastrophic events. Others contend strict control remains necessary to prevent exploitation or overuse.

Project Hedera strives to develop a sustainable way to replicate SCP-500 at scale, whether through SCP-038 duplication, specialized SCP-914 testing, or other methods. However, progress remains slow. Securing approval for experiments requires extensive review to ensure no undue risk, illustrating the extreme care taken around this scarce resource.


SCP-500 represents a potentially world-changing medical anomaly – one which could radically transform how we understand and treat illness. However, its unique properties and limited availability mean great caution must be exercised in its application and testing. It remains an ethically complex object likely to arouse continued debate regarding the appropriate extent, oversight, and distribution of its remarkable curative capabilities. But there is no doubt SCP-500 signifies an enormously valuable asset to the Foundation and humanity as a whole.

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